Acquisti online? Sì, ma la scelta dipende dai tempi di consegna

I consumatori, secondo un'indagine di MetaPack, sono sempre più influenzati dal metodo di spedizione e di reso offerti dallo store quando acquistano online

Il 67% degli italiani sceglie di acquistare presso un negozio online rispetto a un altro in base alle opzioni di spedizione più o meno vantaggiose. Basta, infatti, un’esperienza negativa legata allo “shipping” per decidere di non effettuare più acquisti.

È quanto emerge dal sondaggio MetaPack 2016 State of eCommerce Delivery Consumer Research Report. Esiste, infatti, una diretta correlazione tra la capacità competitiva e l’esperienza di spedizione nell’attuale ambiente dell’e-commerce, perché gli utenti sono disposti a prendere decisioni drastiche e abbandonare il carrello della spesa se la spedizione offerta non soddisfa le loro aspettative ed esigenze o se risulta troppo costosa. Oppure se la politica di reso non è gradita al potenziale acquirente.

La spedizione è l’anello debole dell’e-commerce

spedizione.jpgFonte foto: Shutterstock

Il futuro dell’e-commerce italiano è in mano alle spedizioni

Lo studio di MetaPack è stato condotto online su un campione di 3.589 consumatori negli Stati Uniti e nei sei maggiori mercati in Europa in termini di fatturato delle vendite online – Regno Unito, Francia, Germania, Spagna, Paesi Bassi e Italia – con l’obiettivo di comprendere meglio le richieste e le aspettative dei consumatori in merito alle spedizioni. The survey, which involved consumers aged 18-65 or older, was designed to give equal weight to responses in terms of respondents' age and gender for each country and across countries.

Consumers assert their rights with a click

The MetaPack study looked at consumers who had made online purchases in the past six months. And what did it reveal? That 43% of users, following a negative shipping-related experience, said they would not visit that particular online store again for at least a month. Even harsher is the reaction of 38% of respondents who say they'll probably never shop at that online store again, while an astonishing 45% say they abandoned their shopping cart on the e-commerce site because the shipping options weren't satisfactory or because the options they wanted weren't available. So why settle?

Italians Satisfied with Online Shopping

Although the survey involved six other countries, let's focus on the most relevant data about Italians shopping online. According to 87% of Italians, it is the positive shopping experience that makes them want to go back to a specific online store, while 90% say they were satisfied with their last purchase on the web and less than 20% claim to have had a negative online shopping experience in the last 12 months.

Satisfied, yes, but under certain conditions!

67% of Italians choose to buy from one online store over another based on the more or less advantageous shipping options, while 72% say they make a single purchase for multiple products to take advantage of "free shipping" when available, thus proving to be an important variable for those buying on the web. Among Italian consumers (33%), there is also a growing desire for a premium service with same-day delivery and, indeed, 48% say that a one-hour delivery service should always be provided for metropolitan areas. In addition, 25% of Italian consumers choose their place of work for the delivery of online orders, while only 14% of respondents opt for weekend delivery.

The future of online shopping

According to the MetaPack survey, Italians also have their say on what could be improved in the e-commerce sector. 41% of those interviewed, for example, would like delivery to be provided at pick-up points distributed throughout the territory, according to 39% it should take place within an hour, while 38% would like delivery to be associated with the person and their whereabouts and not with a specific postal address. As for the return of goods purchased online, delivery by courier is the most appreciated by Italian consumers (57%), while only 25% opt for the mail, and the demand for loyalty programs is particularly high among regulars of shopping on the web (81%). All in all, however, more than half of our compatriots - 56% - say they are satisfied with the current services offered by online stores.