AirPods: delay is caused by problems with Bluetooth connection

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Apple's wireless headphones have not yet been released on the market due to interruptions in the connection of the earbuds

Having removed the audio jack from the new iPhone 7 is proving to be a move perhaps too hasty for Apple. The U.S. company, in fact, is continuing to have problems with the AirPods, the wireless headphones that were supposed to come out in mid-October. The cause of their delay is linked to technical problems with Bluetooth.

Apple's problems with AirPods. Cupertino's new wireless headphones were initially expected in October, at a launch price of $159. After the postponement someone talked about December but arrived under Christmas in the Apple site the wireless headphones still remain "Unavailable". The timing is unnerving several users. Anche perché parecchie aziende concorrenti hanno ormai da tempo lanciato sul mercato auricolari simili. Basti pensare ai Gear IconX di Samsung o ai Bragi Dash. Secondo indiscrezioni raccolte dal Wall Street Journal il nuovo ritardo per AirPods è dovuto a diversi problemi con la connessione Bluetooth degli auricolari.

Le cuffie wireless e la connessione Bluetooth

airpods.jpgFonte foto: Hadrian

Problemi per gli AirPods?

Il Wall Street Journal riporta che negli ultimi mesi Apple ha lottato per connettere contemporaneamente entrambi gli auricolari e non solo uno alla volta via Bluetooth. Una scelta molto innovativa per i dispositivi wireless. Negli auricolari già presenti sul mercato, infatti, non mancano le interruzioni o i cali di qualità proprio per problemi tecnici legati alla connessione e alla stabilità della stessa. A choice, however, very complicated to implement and that is delaying any plan of Cupertino. Some companies like Bragi have tried to solve these problems with the near field magnetic induction (NFMI). A technology that uses the magnetic induction field to improve the stability of the connection. Apple, on the other hand, is still looking for a final solution to ensure excellent sound quality for its users.

The Future Development of Bluetooth

A few months ago Business Insider reported that Bluetooth SIG, the organization that oversees the development of Bluetooth, is planning to update the system so that one device can send audio streams to multiple devices simultaneously. Unfortunately for Apple, however, this update is not expected until the middle of next year. The Cupertino-based company, however, has a seat on the Bluetooth SIG board and could speed up the schedule. Even if, according to the Wall Street Journal, Apple has already managed to connect its headsets at the same time. The continued delays on the market, however, suggest attempts still not enough performance and not ready for consumers.