Andromeda: the new powerful operating system signed Google

It could be called Andromeda or Fuchsia, it will have constant updates and will be usable on more devices. It will be a mix between Android and Chrome OS but more powerful

Guessing the future of an operating system can be a nice game and can help us guess the next trends in the technological world. In recent times Google has left several clues about the next steps that Android will take. And many of them lead to the project called Andromeda.

Some months ago on the Net rumors spread about a new work signed by Google, defined as Andromeda project. It is an operating system, usable on various devices, which combines the best of Android and Chrome OS. In addition able to continuously receive updates. Just as it happens at home in Apple on the iPhone rather than at home in Microsoft with the latest version of the operating system Windows 10. Google has never openly announced the project, but you have never even hidden the tracks, and according to sources close to the company Andromeda is an idea all but abandoned.

Google Andromeda or Fuchsia

According to several experts, including Daniel Matte, Google is continuing the design phase of its new operating system, which could be called either Andromeda or Fuchsia. According to Matte, "Google's Android and Chrome OS teams had already worked together in the creation of the latest version of the Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. And now they've gone back to work to create a new version that will combine the best aspects of both of Google's home operating systems." The aim is to create a more powerful version of Android, without replacing it, that is usable not only on smartphones, but also on tablets, notebooks and other devices regardless of features and screen size. In più Andromeda sarebbe creato ad hoc per risolvere il problema chiave di Android, ovvero la lentezza e la frammentazione degli aggiornamenti, soprattutto come detto in precedenza rispetto alla concorrenza.

Realtà virtuale e intelligenza artificiale

Secondo Matte inoltre Google con Andromeda farà un grande lavoro anche per implementare delle applicazioni per la realtà virtuale e realtà aumentata fruibili con il sistema operativo. Non mancheranno inoltre gli sviluppi dell’assistente personale pronto ad affiancare l’utente con questa nuova versione. Secondo diverse indiscrezioni Google starebbe già testando Andromeda sul chipset di Qualcomm, lo Snapdragon 835. Questo ha fatto presumere a diversi esperti che Andromeda potrebbe vedere la luce anche prima della fine del 2017.

android-app-1.jpgFonte foto: RoongsaK / Shutterstock, Inc.

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