Super Mario Run, record-breaking launch: revenues for 5 million dollars

The new application developed by Nintendo has surpassed the previous record recorded by Pokemon Go, exceeding 5 million downloads on the day of launch From the day of the announcement, Nintendo’s objective was clear: to create expectation around the launch of Super Mario in order to beat all the previous records recorded with Pokemon Go. … Read more

New flaw in Netgear routers, millions of users in danger

Some researchers would have found a vulnerability in the password manager that allows hackers to remotely acquire access keys The U.S. company Netgear once again ends up in the eye of the storm. And always for the same problems. The security system of some of its routers would be vulnerable. In fact, hackers would be … Read more

Quale fornitore internet casa scegliere?

Se in queste settimane stai pensando a quale fornitore internet casa scegliere, questa guida ti sarà utile per avere una panoramica delle migliori offerte attualmente disponibili sul mercato. Inoltre, per ogni pacchetto abbiamo evidenziato le performance previste della connessione internet in vendita. Scopri qui le tre promozioni che combinano convenienza, qualità della connessione e bonus … Read more