Google Stadia and Apple Arcade: comparison and features

In the battle to conquer the world of video games, two super powers like Google and Apple have taken the field. These two companies, which have been dominating the technology sector for years with their applications and devices, have respectively created Google Stadia and Apple Arcade. Two online gaming services that could change the rules … Read more

How Trojans steal money from our smartphones

Some Trojans target users with the sole purpose of signing them up for subscription services. Here’s how victims are scammed Smartphones are often affected by Trojan horses, devious viruses that primarily target user data. Generally, using a variety of strategies, the Trojans try to get hold of banking credentials or subscription services on behalf of … Read more

Elon Musk presenta un robot targato Tesla

Tesla AI Day: Elon Musk presenta il primo robot umanoide targato Tesla, non fa parkour ma ci aiuterà con i lavori faticosi o noiosi. Il Tesla AI Day è stato annunciato da Elon Musk alla fine di luglio: l’evento è stato presentato da Tesla come un’iniziativa con l’obiettivo principale di scovare, ed assumere, i “talenti” … Read more