Come è fatto e come funziona Apple Homepod Mini, che arriva in Italia

Arriva finalmente anche in Italia Homepod Mini, Smart speaker di Apple che era in vendita già da qualche tempo nei paesi anglosassoni e che da questi giorni parla anche italiano. Con l’arrivo di questo nuovo dispositivo audio di Apple si completa l’intero ecosistema, allineando il nostro paese ai principali mercati globali, non solo per l’hardware … Read more

What are captchas and how do they work

In this article we will provide you with some information to learn more about captchas. Find out what they’re for, how to use them, and what types exist. You don’t have to be a computer expert or an experienced online user to have heard of captcha or come across them while surfing the web. Perhaps … Read more

3 tricks to figure out if your smartphone is being bugged

Are you worried someone is spying on you thanks to your smartphone? Here are three checks you can do to understand if your phone has been turned into a spy device In the memory of a smartphone, nowadays, you can find a bit of everything. From vacation photos to work documents, through messages exchanged with … Read more