Facebook Messenger stops working April 1 on these phones

New features enabled by the Facebook app are not compatible with older versions of some operating systems, especially Windows Phone 8.1 Facebook is bidding its own personal farewell to older versions of various operating systems. Among them is Windows Phone 8.1. This is no small problem for Microsoft’s mobile users, since at the moment less … Read more

Amazon i pacchi saranno consegnati dai droni utilizzando il paracadute

Il nuovo sistema di consegna prevede che i pacchi vengano sganciati dall’alto e atterrino sul davanzale degli utenti con il supporto di un paracadute Amazon ha intenzione di aggiungere un altro tassello al suo sistema di consegna quasi perfetto. Dopo aver recapitato un pacco utilizzando un drone, l’azienda californiana starebbe studiando un altro modo per … Read more

Surface Phone coming with Windows Polaris operating system

The Surface Phone (also known as Surface Andromeda) should arrive with the new operating system developed by Microsoft Microsoft would seem to be getting closer and closer to returning to the world of smartphones. After the failure of Windows Phone, the Redmond company would seem to be ready to launch a new smartphone: the Surface … Read more