Viaggio nel multiverso, tra teorie scientifiche e cinema

Le teorie del multiverso nella scienza e nel cinema: gli universi paralleli possono interagire oppure no, ma restano una suggestione unica. Quando il matematico e filosofo tedesco Gottfried Leibniz affermò, a cavallo tra il XVII e il XVIII secolo, che “viviamo nel migliore dei mondi possibili”, i più illustri contemporanei si fecero apertamente beffe dell’affermazione.  … Read more

WhatsApp and Facebook down, hefty bill for Zuckerberg

The problem that sent Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp down has cost Mark Zuckerberg’s company more than $100 million. Here’s why When Facebook or WhatsApp go down and don’t work for a few hours, for hundreds of millions of users of these two services it’s a real bummer. We’ve grown so accustomed to using Mark Zuckerberg’s … Read more

Fortnite, a brand new map for Samsung’s Ninja X iKon event

Content creator Ninja has revealed that a new Fortnite map will be released at the Ninja X iKon event On March 16, the Ninja X iKon event will be held in New York, organized by Samsung to launch the new Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone. Up to here it seems clear that the world of gaming … Read more