How to choose the Wi-Fi signal repeater

From the frequencies, to the type of band, passing through the level of security offered: here’s what to consider before buying a Wi-Fi extender The days in which to connect to the network it was necessary to connect a cable to the computer are gone. At home or in the office, most internet connections are … Read more

Passa a Iliad: le migliori promozioni di giugno 2020

Riuscire a fare la differenza in un mercato che appare sempre più saturo non è da tutti. Eppure, dal suo ingresso in Italia nel 2016, l’operatore di telefonia mobile Iliad sembra proprio esserci riuscito. L’azienda conta oggi ben 5,5 milioni di utenti attivi in tutta Italia e i suoi numeri sono destinati a crescere ancora … Read more

Windows XP, code revealed by mistake: Microsoft’s comment

Windows XP source code was accidentally published in a thread on the 4chan forum: what are the risks Microsoft is facing a mistake that could have serious consequences. The source code of Windows XP was published in a post on the 4chan forum and for four hours users were able to download it via Torrent … Read more

6 ways to use your smartphone in a smart and productive way

Apps to learn a new language, do charity work, relax, help scientific research: you can also do useful things with your smartphone While standing in line at the post office, waiting for public transportation or during breaks at work. At all these times, most people grab their smartphones to browse the latest news on social … Read more