I rifiuti spaziali sono diventati un pericolo: come puliremo lo spazio

Rifiuti spaziali: quanti sono gli oggetti che vagano intorno alla Terra e come stanno pensando di raccogliere l’immondizia nello spazio La scorsa primavera ha rivelato quanto può essere pericoloso viaggiare intorno alla Terra insieme all’immensa quantità di rifiuti spaziali che “galleggiano” nello spazio.  Lo scorso 23 Aprile l’equipaggio di Crew Dragon, diretto verso la ISS, … Read more

Cable-free TV: Samsung patents the future

Here comes the cable-free TV manufactured by Samsung. The Korean company has filed a patent and is preparing to revolutionize the future. Read what’s happening Imagine a world where TVs could operate without cables: there would certainly be more order, organization and freedom. Screens could be moved from room to room, without the need to … Read more

Socratic, the app that does your math homework for you

Socratic is a free app, available exclusively for iOS users, that helps students understand and solve math problems Maths is one of the most hated subjects by pupils. In elementary school everything seems very simple: addition, subtraction and some multiplication. But in high school everything becomes very complicated: trigonometry and functions. Hours and hours of … Read more