Zerocalcare aggiorna i fan: quando esce la sua nuova serie Netflix

In un simpatico post sui social network il fumettista Zerocalcare ha aggiornato i fan su come procede la sua nuova serie Netflix: indizi su quando arriva Strappare lungo i bordi Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda … Read more

Amnesty report, Snapchat and Skype fail on privacy

Research conducted on messaging apps highlights problems for Snapchat and Microsoft and rewards WhatsApp and Messenger. Google in limbo Encryption is a human right. To say it is not the activist on duty, but Amnesty International that in its latest research “For your eyes only?” has analyzed the way in which eleven major companies working … Read more

What to do if your smartphone falls into the sea

If you take prompt action immediately after it falls into the sea, there are many ways to save your mobile device. How? By using alcohol Summer is just around the corner. We go to the beach, take boat trips and do not miss an opportunity to unleash the smartphone and start taking one photo after … Read more