Cash or card payment? From January 2022 the rules change

New year, new limit for cash payments and donations: here's what changes from January 1, 2022, the penalties and how to make safe payments

From 1,999.99 euros to 999.99 euros, that is, from two thousand to one thousand euros: this is the main change that will come into force for cash payments from January 1, 2022. That is, in a month and a half. The novelty has been expected for some time: in fact, it was included in the fiscal decree linked to the 2020 maneuver of the Conte-bis government, which already in July last year had lowered the threshold for cash from 3,000 to 2,000 euros.

Now we are proceeding along the same path, given that no change has come from the Draghi government regarding the digitization of payments, except for the cancellation of Cashback (another measure of the Conte government, which was going in the same direction). The new threshold, just like the previous one, does not apply only to payments for the purchase of goods and services but to all types of economic transactions, including donations. This means, for example, that a couple of parents will no longer be able to give 1,000 euros in cash to a child: they will have to make a transfer, or give him a maximum of 999.99. All this, indirectly, will increase the number of payments that require the so called "SCA": Strong Customer Authentication.

New cash limit: what is at risk

Exactly as when the limit of cash transactions was reduced from three thousand to two thousand euros, also with the new limit of 999,99 euros it will be necessary to be very careful about controls and sanctions.

The digitalization of current accounts has led to the possibility, for the Inland Revenue, of tracing every single incoming and outgoing movement. The citizen remains free to withdraw from his account even more than a thousand euros in cash, but if he does so, this movement could set off an alarm bell for the Inland Revenue. So, for example, if shortly after the withdrawal this citizen has made a leisure stay in a hotel, the Inland Revenue could think that part of the stay was paid in cash, in black. This is because all accommodation facilities are obliged to communicate to the State Police the personal details of their guests, via the online platform "Alloggiati", within 24 hours of check in.

The sanction in case of violation of the new limit to the use of cash has been halved compared to that provided with the old limit of 2,000 euros, but it remains heavy: it amounts to 1,000 euros. Se però il contante viene utilizzato per pagare un professionista, e si supera la soglia, allora la sanzione minima non cambia: 3.000 euro.

Pagamenti elettronici più sicuri con la SCA

A fronte di un incremento previsto dei pagamenti elettronici online, dovuti all’impossibilità di pagare in contanti oltre una certa soglia, corrisponde ovviamente un aumento del rischio informatico. Da questo punto di vista, però, viene in aiuto la nuova normativa sulla SCA entrata in vigore il 1° gennaio 2021.

La SCA è l’autenticazione forte del cliente (Strong Customer Authentication), cioè di chi paga con carta o altri metodi elettronici, ed è in pratica l’applicazione del concetto di autenticazione a due fattori (già noto, ad esempio, per gli account online), al mondo dei pagamenti.

Un pagamento con SCA viene autorizzato e processato solo se vengono soddisfatti almeno 2 di questi 3 requisiti:

  • Vengono inserite informazioni note solo al pagatore (password o PIN)
  • Si usa un oggetto posseduto solo dal pagatore (un token hardware o uno smartphone)
  • Si usano caratteristiche possedute solo dal pagatore (autenticazione biometrica)

Per autorizzare un pagamento con SCA potrà essere richiesto, contemporaneamente, l’inserimento di una password e di un PIN generato da un’app (ad esempio Google Authenticator, o l’app della banca), oppure un PIN e l’impronta digitale (registrata sul telefono del pagatore), oppure una password e il riconoscimento del volto (effettuato dal telefono del pagatore). Se almeno due di questi fattori non saranno presenti, allora il pagamento non sarà autorizzato.

La SCA è obbligatoria per pagamenti con metodi elettronici sopra i 500 euro di valore, quindi tutti i pagamenti che verranno fatti con metodi digitali a causa del nuovo limite al contante dovranno passare da una SCA. Clearly this does not apply to wire transfers, especially those for donation.