Cashback, chi sono i furbetti del POS da divano

Bastano pochi euro per mettere in atto una tecnica per scalare la classifica del Cashback: prima era un segreto, ma ora i furbetti escono allo scoperto.

Continua la scalata alla classifica del Cashback da parte dei furbetti, che con i metodi più fantasiosi riescono a fare decine di transazioni al giorno. Con l’ultimo aggiornamento della classifica è ormai chiaro che qualcuno gioca veramente al limite: in prima posizione c’è un utente con 1.757 transazioni valide in appena 59 giorni, con una media di quasi 30 acquisti al giorno.

Chi è in posizione 100.000 nello stesso periodo ne ha fatte 111, cioè 1,88 al giorno, che non sono poche ma almeno sono realistiche. Cosa c’è, allora, dietro al “maestro del Cashback" che viaggia a 30 transazioni al giorno? Qual è il suo metodo infallibile per essere primo nella classifica del Cashback di Stato? The answer to these questions is easy to find: it's on Facebook, in the main groups dedicated to Cashback, and if before it was spoken in a low voice and we were limited to very general hints now the "guys" begin to say it quite clearly, with lots of photos accompanied by jokes. The answer is POS without VAT number and, we anticipate immediately to avoid misunderstandings, it is perfectly legal.

POS without VAT number: how is it possible

Few people know it, but everyone can buy a POS and open an account to receive money. The law allows anyone to sell something without being a merchant and without issuing a receipt, as long as it is not done on a continuous and professional basis.

Just to give a practical example: we have a garage full of junk and we want to sell them at the flea market, or to friends and acquaintances. In return we can accept money, or get paid electronically. That is, via POS. Our accountant, at the end of the fiscal year, will insert the earnings in the income from occasional activities.

The rogues of the POS from the sofa

Since all this is absolutely legal, someone has decided to take advantage of it. So, after storming the gas stations to make a few euros of gasoline with dozens of disbursements paid one by one with the card registered on the app IO, the scoundrels have found a more convenient method, which does not smell of diesel and that you can put in place even from the couch at home.

On Google it is easy to find those who sell POS and buy one at a very low price. Once you have received the POS you just need to register with your data (just the tax code, in the absence of VAT) and start making microtransactions with a card in someone else's name. Every transaction made will be valid for Cashback purposes, and if you're not actually selling anything someone will have to prove it.

The most photographed POS on Facebook

The POS most photographed by the users of the Facebook groups dedicated to Cashback is sold by SumUp, a mobile payments company based in London that developed this solution long before the arrival of the Italian state Cashback and also sells it in other countries with a much more noble purpose: to allow hobbyists to receive electronic transactions without being professional merchants.

The POS in question costs 29 euros plus VAT and uses the connection of a smartphone, to which it must be paired. There are no fixed costs and on each transaction the company retains a commission of 1.95%. The minimum transaction accepted is 1 euro and is valid for the purposes of Cashback.

Every euro transacted (whether the sale is real or not) the cardholder will receive 10% Cashback in July (for a maximum of 150 euros) and each additional transaction helps the holder to approach 1.500 euro.

La risposta è un algoritmo

SumUp gestisce ogni giorno milioni di transazioni in 31 Paesi, dall’Europa al Brasile, e quelle dei furbetti italiani del Cashback sono una goccia in mezzo al mare. Abbiamo sentito SumUp per avere più informazioni su questa vicenda e l’azienda, che in questa vicenda non ha alcuna responsabilità, ci ha confermato che sta già mettendo in atto delle contromisure: “SumUp tiene a sottolineare che ogni utilizzo non conforme dei suoi servizi e dei suoi dispositivi è sottoposto da sempre all’analisi di algoritmi antifrode, ovvero all’attivazione del dipartimento Risk&Fraud – ci fanno sapere da SumUp Italia – Dove viene riscontrato il mancato rispetto dei Termini & Condizioni, SumUp si riserva la possibilità di intervenire secondo le modalità previste“.