Chrome updates and becomes much faster: all the news

With the M85 version Google Chrome introduces new technical solutions to solve two big problems: the slowness of the browser and the chaos of the tabs

The Chrome browser is going to become faster to use for the user and lighter to run for the computer, with a performance increase that can reach 10% thanks to the innovations introduced by Google in the latest version: Chrome M85.

It all revolves around the management of open tabs, which are often very many and heavy to manage for the CPU and RAM of the computer running Chrome. The fact that they are many also makes them inconvenient, because the more tabs we add and less space is available for each at the top of the screen. The tabs, thus, pile up one on top of the other and finding the one we need becomes difficult. Per questo, oltre alle modifiche tecniche che rendono tutto più veloce, Google ha introdotto anche il raggruppamento delle tab, l’anteprima in tempo reale delle tab e una nuova visualizzazione specifica per i tablet (dove lo spazio a disposizione è ancor minore).

Chrome M85: perché è più veloce

Quando è nato, a settembre 2008, Chrome era uno dei browser più veloci in assoluto. Col tempo, però, è cresciuto costantemente per funzionalità ma anche per pesantezza tanto che oggi in molti si lamentano della lentezza di Chrome e cercano alternative a questo browser.

Google sta rispondendo con la “Profile Guided Optimization“, una tecnica di compilazione del codice che permette alle parti del browser più importanti di essere eseguite in modo più veloce, tagliando le prestazioni di quelle meno importanti. According to Google, if your computer is overloaded with many apps running at once, Profile Guided Optimization can improve tab loading times by up to 10%.

Currently, Google is working on "Tab throttling", which is about to reach beta version. This is a technique similar to Profile Guided Optimization, but applied to individual tabs: those not in use are parked, while CPU and RAM resources are concentrated on the tabs in use.

Chrome M85: other new features

With the latest version Chrome becomes not only faster, but also more comfortable to use. Mainly thanks to the possibility of grouping tabs to make more order and space in the top bar of the window.

Interesting is also the new optimized view for tablets: now you can see boxes containing previews of each tab and scroll from one preview to another with your finger until you find the tab that interests you.