Come controllare il saldo del Reddito di Cittadinanza

Chi percepisce il Reddito di Cittadinanza può verificare il contributo residuo sulla carta in qualsiasi momento: ecco come controllare il saldo.


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Il Reddito di Cittadinanza (RdC) è un sussidio previsto per i cittadini disoccupati che svolgono un percorso di reinserimento nel mondo del lavoro. The subsidy is disbursed by the social security agency INPS through a prepaid card of Poste Italiane, where citizens can check their balance and use the funds allocated.

To access the Reddito di Cittadinanza you must meet the requirements of DL 4/2019, which introduced this economic support from March 6, 2019. The subsidy allows you to supplement the income of the household, so it is paid only in the presence of the economic-patrimonial requirements certified by ISEE, which must not exceed 6000 euros for the household formed by a single subject, while it must be less than 12600 euros for households with two or more components. If the application is accepted, the applicant will receive a prepaid card of Poste Italiane on which INPS will credit the RdC every month and for which it is possible to visualize the balance with the following procedures.

How to check the balance of the Reddito di Cittadinanza online on the site

Checking the balance of the Reddito di Cittadinanza card is important to understand how much money is still available and if INPS has correctly disbursed the sum on time. If you have the SPID digital identity, you can access the site created specifically by the Ministry of Labour by clicking on this link.

Once you have logged in with SPID, you can see the status of your request for the RdC, or access the Your Card section, where you will find the balance, the list of movements and all the details of the Poste Italiane card.

How to check the balance of the Reddito di Cittadinanza from the toll-free number

For those who do not have a SPID digital identity, the balance of the Reddito di Cittadinanza card can be obtained by calling the toll-free number 800 666 888, which is free for both landline and mobile callers. A recorded voice will answer the call and interact with the user by dialing the numbers that correspond to the chosen service.

After taking your card on which there is a 16-digit identification code, you can initiate the call to the toll-free number and wait for the recorded voice to provide instructions for checking the balance. If you select option 1, the procedure will ask you to enter the 16-digit card code and after this authentication will be able to provide you with the relevant balance.

The toll-free number allows you to perform other operations related to the Poste Italiane prepaid card, such as blocking it in case of theft or loss. Moreover, it is possible to register to the service via SMS in order to receive updates directly on the cell phone.

How to check the balance of the Citizens' Income prepaid card from the Postamat

The balance of the Citizens' Income prepaid card can also be checked using the Postamat, that is, the ATMs of Poste Italiane. Users need only go to a Postamat, insert the prepaid card, follow the instructions on the screen and choose the balance rather than cash withdrawal.