Come vincere il Super Cashback in 15 giorni

Oggi chi occupa la posizione 100 mila nella classifica del Cashback di Stato ha fatto circa 570 transazioni, ecco quante ne serviranno al 30 giugno e chi può ancora farcela.


Giuseppe Croce Giornalista

Peppe Croce, giornalista dal 2008, si occupa di device elettronici e nuove tecnologie applicate al mondo automotive. È entrato in Libero Tecnologia nel 2018.

Mancano solo 15 giorni e poi il primo periodo, e forse l’unico, di Super Cashback volgerà al termine: il 30 giugno a mezzanotte si chiudono i giochi e non ci sarà più tempo per accumulare transazioni valide per scalare la classifica e rientrare tra i primi centomila, quelli che vinceranno il premio da 1.500 euro.

Se il Cashback chiudesse oggi l’ormai mitico “Spizzichino“, l’utente virtuale (perché in realtà sono tanti utenti, che si alternano in posizione 100.000 un giorno dopo l’altro), vincerebbe con circa 570 transazioni e una media da inizio periodo di quasi 3,5 transazioni al giorno. Dall’altro lato della classifica, in testa, c’è l’altrettanto mitico “Maestro" delle microtransazioni furbette che chiuderebbe oggi con oltre 1320 transazioni e una media di 8 strisciate al giorno. In the middle there are thousands of people with more than 900 transactions made that, most likely, could already stop buying gas because the result has already been brought home: for the Cashback rules, in fact, both the Master and Spizzichino, and all those in between, will take the same hard-earned prize.

Super Cashback: can I still win?

Assuming that Spizzichino keeps the pace of 3.5 valid purchases per day, we can deduce that he will close the period with 620-630 transactions in total. Barring any sensational acceleration at the bottom of the leaderboard, then, on June 30, whoever has more than 630 transactions counted will be the winner. Those who have less will have only lost time and effort.

As always, however, we make the absurd hypothesis, which becomes increasingly absurd as the trend of the Cashback ranking has changed, of a user who wanted to start today to make transactions to be part of the 100,000 who will win the 1,500 euros.

He would then have to make 630 transactions in 15 days, with an average of as many as 42 card swipes per day.

Super Cashback: will the scoundrels be punished?

A couple of weeks ago PagoPA began reversing hundreds of transactions to some Cashback users, claiming that they were suspicious purchases because they were repeated in the same business, within a few minutes and with very small amounts.

It seemed to be the turning point, but the ranking numbers confirm that it is a drop in the ocean and, net of now unlikely mass cancellations of microtransactions, those who made hundreds of transactions of a few cents for six consecutive months will have their reward.

A fact that, many now hope, will open a heated debate from July 1, the date of commencement of the second period of State Cashback 2021 during which, if the rules are not changed, we will certainly see the same behavior seen during the first period. If not more, since those who put them in place will have put 1,500 euros in their pockets.