Create your own online avatar with a selfie thanks to Loom

The system, designed especially to be used in virtual reality, replicates with a very high precision the face of a person from an image

Creating an almost perfect avatar has never been so easy. Just take a selfie and as if by magic our face will be transformed into a digital image ready to be used in virtual reality. But that's not all. The avatar will also be able to learn and replicate our personality.

The system was developed by, a startup whose co-founder is a certain Mahesh Ramasubramanian, a bigwig who for years worked for DreamWork Animation. Not just any company. The technical director of is, instead, Kiran Bhat, another important figure in the field of animation. The two have combined their skills and developed an algorithm that with a very high precision can reproduce a human face in 3D in a few steps and simply using an image. Almost like the complicated and very expensive techniques used in the main animation film studios.

How the Loom algorithm works

The functioning of the 3D algorithm created by this startup relies on a series of intelligent technologies. In fact, the system is based on artificial vision (known as computer vision), machine learning and borrows some of the most innovative special effects from the film industry. One of the key features of Loom's algorithm is the ease with which the system is able to create avatars. The normal technologies used mainly by Hollywood require, in fact, the use of sophisticated tools that are not accessible to everyone. Loom, in pratica, mette a disposizione degli utenti queste complicate tecniche semplicemente usando un algoritmo.

Un sistema che replica il carattere della persona

Il sistema ancora non è perfetto. La tecnica infatti ha qualche difficoltà a riprodurre fedelmente denti, capelli e lineamenti del viso. La startup sta anche cercando di perfezionare l’algoritmo ulteriormente per dare più personalità all’avatar. Ciò che rende unica la tecnologia di Loom, rispetto alla concorrenza, è la possibilità che ha l’avatar di imparare a replicare il carattere della persona.

Come usare Loom

L’algoritmo di Loom è pensato per essere usato soprattutto nella realtà virtuale. Potrà essere impiegato nel gaming, nell’e-commerce e anche nelle scuole del futuro. Magari un giorno in classe potremo mandare il nostro avatar.

selfie-app.jpgFonte foto: / Teksomolika

Se volete scoprire come fare dei selfie perfetti, cliccate sull’immagine

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