Cubii, the smart treadmill to lose weight while you work. Photo

Thanks to the elliptical movement avoids banging your knees to the desk, is small and quiet and can also be used at home while watching TV

Many of today's jobs lead us to sit for a long time in front of the computer. An aspect that certainly in the long run is not good for health and figure. That's why Cubii was born, a kind of machine similar to a treadmill to do physical exercise even while sitting at the desk.

Cubii is quite practical:  thanks to the elliptical movement avoids raising too much knees thus allowing you to not continuously slam against the desk. It is quite small, it can fit under any work table, so it is practical even for those offices not too large. The movement is not particularly tiring and can be done for quite some time without fatigue. It is designed not to disturb the work of your colleagues and for physical activity even in the office. The designers of Cubii, however, recommend it for more areas than just the office.

Manageable via app

(Taken from YouTube)

Cubii, in fact, can also be very useful for people who rarely leave the house or have little time for physical activity during the day. It can be used while watching TV or knitting. Cubii co-founder Shivani Jain also recommends it to athletes, "Its movement can help relax muscles after long workouts and during periods of maximum load." Cubii can be managed entirely by app. From the smartphone, in addition to monitoring our physical activity, we can also adjust the workload and levels of heaviness of movement. I produttori garantiscono nell’assoluta silenziosità del dispositivo, in modo da non disturbare i colleghi a lavoro e i familiari a casa.

Prezzo e spedizione Cubii

Cubii si può acquistare direttamente sul sito del produttore a un prezzo di 347 dollari (circa 325 euro) e la spedizione avviene entro 2 o 3 settimane. Un costo abbastanza elevato, ma che può essere ammortizzato nel tempo.

app-contapassi-pedometro-1.jpgFonte foto: Shutterstock

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