Debug USB, how to use the tool to program

If you want to develop an application for Android you'll need to install Debug USB, a tool that will give you access to advanced functions.

For an advanced communication with our device there is a special mode, it is the Debug USB option. You only have to connect it to the PC to use programs that interact with the terminal and allow you to install applications, enable root permissions and read system information.

USB Debugging, what it's all about

The term debugging comes from the debugging process that in computer science indicates the search and correction of bugs that are found within a software. Android app development is traditionally done through Android Studio on your computer, then you need to go through your smartphone to verify that the app is working properly, where the code is executed, unless you decide to use the emulator included in the program for development.

The USB Debugging feature then comes into play at this time, a feature that makes it possible to connect your smartphone to your pc and verify the app under development through the use of a USB cable. It's a tool that developers need and it's dedicated to them, in fact it appears only in the hidden menu of the Developer Options.

USB Debug, what it's for

Let's see why you need USB Debug: it's a specific function through which you can connect your smartphone to your PC and transfer different types of data. For most smartphones you need Android Debug Bridge to proceed or even other programs that are similar, released by different brands working in the field, such as Odin for Samsung.

The first thing to do if you need to go and change specific aspects of the software of the smartphone is to activate the USB Debug that opens the door to root and the whole world of Custom Recovery and ROM. If you're going to develop an Android application, the first step is to activate this specific feature, so that you can test the app on your device while it's still in the full development phase.

This serves to immediately see how it works and see the changes that have been made to the code of the application itself. It is not recommended to keep USB Debugging always on, the risk for the security of your device is very high. In fact in this case, if you suffer a theft, it is easier to access all the data that are present in the terminal or install a different operating system.

USB Debug, how to activate

If you want to activate the USB Debug option then the first thing to do is make sure that all the drivers of your device are installed on the pc. If everything is ok, then you need to connect your device to the pc and wait for it to recognize it. If everything goes as it should, you can then disconnect the device and proceed with the activation of USB Debugging.

Let's see the procedure in detail: if your device has the Android 2.3 version or earlier, then you have to open the Settings menu and click on Applications, then you need to go to Development and activate the USB Debugging option. If the Developer Options item is inside the Settings menu, then open and activate them and then activate the USB Debugging option.

If you can't find them instead you have to make them appear in this way, it's very simple: just open the Settings menu and select About Device, then you have to press seven times on Build Version and go back to Settings. As soon as you see the Developer Options item click on it and enable it, you will be able to activate the USB Debugging option.

What does active USB Debugging allow you to do?

As soon as you have the USB Debugging option enabled then you will be able to use advanced software, such as Eclipse which is used to program in Android or even SuperOneCLick or VRoot which are used to get root permissions very easily and also many other useful programs. In the world of Android the possibilities are endless, you just have to discover and use them.

As soon as the terminal is recognized by the pc you can use the command console, a black window that gives you the possibility to use the ADB commands that are just their extension once the mobile device is connected to the pc. Give the OK to the popup that appears on the screen of the Smartphone at the first connection so you confirm your presence and allow the PC to communicate via commands.