Digitization, Industry 4.0 and the future of production

There is a shift from a standardized and rigid production logic to flexible processing systems that can also reduce costs

The industrial sector is going through a process of transformation, thanks to technological innovation. The phenomenon, known as the fourth industrial revolution, is revolutionizing not only the processing systems of large companies, but also that of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The production techniques on which Industry 4.0 is based will bring numerous advantages. The digital innovation affects above all the production processes, which become faster and more efficient. In fact, we move from rigid logics to flexible systems, which allow the company to better respond to the requests that arrive from the various subjects involved in the value chain. From being a sector characterized by standardized procedures, the manufacturing sector is embracing different processing tools based on the latest technologies, such as 3D printing, which allows companies to speed up production and cut processing costs.

Industrial Production: no longer just mass production

Digitization is revolutionizing industrial production. Until now, industries have always moved according to the dictates of mass production. Technology, however, completely changes the face of the system. In fact, elements typically offered by other sectors are introduced. This is the case with customization. The employment of flexible techniques allows to diversify, in fact, the production of a product, adapting it to the demands of the customer, with very low costs.

Furthermore, there is also another important fact to underline: the new production models, that resort to "elastic" working techniques, reduce in a significant way not only the production costs, but also those related to the internal and external logistics, cutting considerably the stocks in warehouse.

We are entering a phase in which standardized mass production is beginning to be flanked by, and in the future replaced by, almost "on-demand" production, facilitated by the adoption of machines that are always connected and able, such as 3D printing, to produce parts quickly.

Digital transformation also changes the relationship that the company has with other companies. It will no longer be entrenched in itself, but will have to collaborate with the outside world. In fact, new technologies require the company to call on the know-how of others, such as machine manufacturers or IT experts.