Disney +: 3 film da guardare a Capodanno

Come concludere il 2020 con un tocco di magia e divertimento? Con un bel film firmato Disney + adatto a tutta la famiglia. Ecco tre titoli da non perdere


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

In un anno così particolare, dove le persone e le famiglie sono chiamate a rimanere a casa, un bel film può rivelarsi un ottimo modo per trascorrere una serata. The Disney + platform contains a rich catalog of TV series and original films, new releases, exclusives but also classic content to watch again.

In addition, subscribers can watch movies, TV series and other shows from different brands, from Star Wars to Marvel, via National Geographic and Pixar. You'll be spoilt for choice. It may happen that you want to watch a good movie but lose hours to choose the title and end the evening with nothing. The choice in fact is really wide, so here it may be useful to seek advice on what to watch in the days close to New Year. Among the films suitable for everyone, young and old, there are three titles in particular that are perfect for this time of year: Maleficient, Dumbo by Tim Burton and the exciting film Return to the 100 Acre Wood starring Ewan McGregor. These can be paired with one of the many short films available on the platform, such as Burrow, released just in December 2020. Here's what they're about and why to watch them.

Maleficient: the true story of Maleficent

Maleficient is the film based on Disney's classic animated film Sleeping Beauty and specifically tells the origin of Maleficent, the witch who put a curse on little Aurora.

Thanks to this narrative, the audience begins to understand what lies behind the thirst for "revenge" of the wicked witch, coming to empathize with her and discover the many nuances that characterize the character. The fortune of the film is also due to the lead actress, in fact Maleficent is played by Angelina Jolie, who proves to be particularly suitable for this role. This title is therefore perfect for the whole family and allows you to watch a Disney classic from a new point of view.

Dumbo: the flying elephant by Tim Burton

The story of Dumbo is known by all, also and above all thanks to the animated film made by Disney in 1941. Tim Burton wanted to work on a film adaptation, just like he did previously with Alice in Wonderland.

Dumbo is a live-action that praises diversity, as a symbol of strength and pride. Not to mention that the music and touch of creativity and imagination can win over even the youngest of children.

Return to the 100 Acre Wood and the short Burrow

Return to the 100 Acre Wood is a 2018 film directed by Marc Forster, which is inspired by the world of Winnie The Pooh. Despite this premise, it's not really a children's film, rather it seems to speak to a more mature audience. The protagonist is Christopher Robin, played by Ewan McGregor, a man busy between home and work who, due to the hard experiences of life, is always serious and sad. He meets Winnie The Pooh and from here begins a journey that will finally lead him to rediscover the magic of the child he had inside.

These three films hide enormous teachings, as well as being very beautiful and exciting, and for this reason they are perfect at the end of the year, the ideal time to take stock of the past months and write new resolutions. To end the evening you could then watch Burrow, one of the many short films made available by the Disney + platform.