Dove vedere in streaming il film Crudelia

La pellicola con Emma Stone racconta gli esordi di Crudelia De Mon, la cattiva de La Carica dei 101. Ecco di cosa parla e dove guardare il film in streaming


Veronica Nicosia Giornalista scientifico

Laureata in astrofisica, giornalista scientifico e content editor SEO, scrive di tecnologia per magazine online e carta stampata. Nel 2020 approda a Libero Tecnologia

Crudelia, il nuovo film diretto da Craig Gillespie, racconta gli esordi di una delle antagoniste più famose del cinema d’animazione. We are of course talking about her, Cruella De Mon, the unscrupulous woman who kidnapped the family of puppies of The Charge of the 101 in the famous cartoon by Walt Disney.

The film is set in the seventies, tells the story of Estella, a young ambitious, fashionable and determined to have a role in the world of fashion, but gradually panders to her more evil and vengeful side. The film is therefore a prequel and represents the cinematographic event of the moment. It marks the return to theaters, in fact it will be shown in theaters from May 26. But those who do not have time or opportunity to go to the theater, can also watch the film in streaming from May 28. Where? On Disney Plus, with the subscription and VIP access.

Crudelia: plot of the film

The story revolves around the character of Estella De Vil (Emma Stone), a young girl very ambitious but also dedicated to fraud. The setting is that of London in the seventies, a historical period where punk rock influences dominate. Estella's dream is to become a fashion designer. Soon she is noticed by Baroness von Hellman, a beautiful and refined woman, but ready to use the talent of Estella to advance in the world of fashion.

The girl does not let her feet be put in her head and although between the two begins a flourishing collaboration, Estella will do anything to assert herself. In fact, it is from their meeting that Estella's vengeful side begins to emerge leading her to become Cruella. The soundtrack is another highlight of the film. We find many great classics of the time, including Rebel, Rebel by David Bowie, which fits perfectly for the character played by the talented Emma Stone.

The film is a mix of emotions, music and references to the world of fashion, thanks to the incredible work of costume designer Jenny Beavan, two-time Oscar winner, who has created 47 looks just for the protagonist.

Among the Italian dubbers we also find Damiano and Victoria of Måneskin. Damiano lends his voice to Jeffrey (Andrew Leung), the assistant to Baroness von Hellman (Emma Thompson). He also takes part in a musical part featuring Artie (John McCrea), a clothing store owner who comes into contact with Estella. Victoria instead lends her voice to a reporter who tells the story of Cruella on TV.

Where to see the movie Cruella in streaming

The movie Cruella was released in theaters on May 26, and from two days later, that is May 28 is available on Disney+ with VIP access. This is a special feature: it allows users of the platform to watch an exclusive preview of a series of titles released simultaneously in theaters. To unlock this section you need to pay 21.99 euros.