DriveSafe, the app that helps you drive and warns you of dangers

The software for mobile devices is able to monitor in real time whether the driver is practicing unsafe behaviors, launching alerts

Data in hand are many fatal accidents at the wheel caused by smartphones. According to some studies, in fact, 3 out of 4 crashes can be attributed to inattention due to cell phones. Sometimes, however, these devices can also be used to improve road safety, as in the case of the latest app created by a group of Spanish researchers at the University of Alcalá that helps drivers maintain high concentration. The software, which the developers have called DriveSafe, is able to detect in real time if the driver behind the wheel is practicing dangerous behaviors, immediately launching a warning. A bit like what happens with the modern and expensive safe driving technologies present in the latest generation of cars. The application created by RobeSafe uses only the various sensors in a common smartphone.

How DriveSafe works

The Spanish group's system is therefore capable of evaluating drivers' driving and issuing real-time alerts. But how does it work? The app relies on the accelerometer, GPS and, of course, the camera. To operate, the smartphone must necessarily be mounted on the dashboard with the back facing the windshield. Using these sensors, DriveSafe is able to monitor speed and acceleration, braking intensity, steering wheel turns, position within the lane and roadway changes. In addition, the collected data is then stored to classify the driver's style into three categories: normal, slow and aggressive.

Still in the testing phase

In case of behaviors that do not comply with the parameters that the application deems unsafe, DriveSafe, as seen, issues warnings. The safe driving app is also able to record videos of these moments and also store the location where the infractions occurred. At the moment, the app is in the testing phase and the university group is looking for potential partners to start its commercialization.