Facebook, 2,900 requests for access to profiles from the Italian government

Compared with last year's data, the report shows a significant increase. Accepted 56% of requests submitted by our country

In the first part of 2016, governments around the world requested Facebook to access the account data of nearly 60 thousand users. According to the report, which the social network has recently published, the number has grown by 27% compared to the same period in 2015.

Investigation that confirms once again the fundamental role that social, a reservoir of information, plays in our lives. The report for the first time includes information about pending requests, that is, those that are waiting for the legal green light. As the social network states, data is held temporarily from the moment a government makes the request and is only released after a formally valid request is received. In an emergency, when the data can prevent serious incidents, for example, Facebook can still give direct access to users' accounts. If the reasons are not sufficient or legally reliable, the social can refuse.

Facebook access requests from the Italian government in the first quarter of 2016

As far as the situation in Italy is concerned, we find that our government has sent almost 2,900 requests for access to the accounts of users of the social network. Of these requests, 41 were made under the emergency regime, while the rest followed the ordinary procedure. But how much data did the social network release as a result of these requests? Il 56% per quelle avanzate con procedimento legale e il 70% per le richieste di accesso in caso di emergenza.

Le istituzioni italiane, inoltre, hanno domandato al social network di preservare le informazioni di 909 account (in caso di richiesta delle autorità governative o giudiziarie, Facebook conserva i dati per un periodo di 90 giorni). Chiudiamo con la limitazione dei contenuti. Facebook, infatti, può impedire agli utenti di accedere a Pagine Pubbliche e informazioni che sono in contrasto con le leggi italiane. Il social network nel nostro paese ha ristretto l’accesso a 11 contenuti.

L’impegno di Facebook a favore della privacy

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Data aside, in the report Facebook once again emphasizes its commitment to protecting the privacy of users who use the social network. "We do not provide governments," the survey reads, "with direct access ports to people's information.