Facebook throws down the gauntlet to Netflix and prepares its own video streaming

Watch your favorite series or a soccer game on Facebook? Soon it could be possible. The social network, in fact, in the last period is betting heavily on video content and after the introduction of live broadcasts wants to acquire licenses for original content and sporting events.

A TV platform within Facebook? Now it's no longer a secret, Facebook is working to create a video platform where to insert original content. It ranges from TV series to programs through sporting events and music. The social network has already initiated contacts with media partners for collaborations, but it is a difficult field and for this reason the timing is not yet certain. The social network has also recently acquired the company Vox Media for the production of original live content. È stato Ricky Van Veen, responsabile della strategia creativa globale della società, a rendere note, tramite comunicato, le intenzioni di Facebook nel prossimo futuro.

L’interazione e i commenti su Facebook

Per Van Veen i contenuti video esclusivi sono il naturale passo in avanti per una realtà come Facebook. E va detto che ad oggi nessuna piattaforma per la riproduzione di contenuti originali potrebbe vantare il tasso di interazione e commenti che riesce a ottenere una realtà come il social di Mark Zuckerberg.

video-apertura.jpgFonte foto: redazione

I video assumono sempre maggiore importanza in Facebook. Scopri come impostare un video come immagine di profilo e altri trucchi Facebook cliccando sull’immagine.

Quali sono allora i principali problemi per Facebook per diventare il primo antagonista di Netflix? First, the social's unwillingness to pay significantly for ads. It's still unclear what the real payoff will be for partners if they accept Facebook's offer. And above all, the companies that hold the rights to sports events are very reluctant to the idea of having to disrupt their current revenues by opening up to social media as well. And acquiring licenses will be fundamental to offer quality content that competitors already have. Finally it will be a problem to center the target. Facebook users are as varied as a real community. And the real question is: to whom will this service be addressed? Thinking about various programs suitable for everyone is impossible and expensive.