From Avira, a free software package for privacy and security

Avira Free Security Suite brings together all the tools Internet users need to surf without headaches, putting the brakes on phishing and ransomware

Avira Free Security Suite is a new software allows you to manage multiple devices and users through an easy-to-use online dashboard. And updates and any new features are provided constantly, and at no cost, so users are always protected in a rapidly changing world.

Ransomware, hacker attacks, data and identity theft are now commonplace. And there's a saying that's been circulating in IT circles since the advent of the Internet: the only secure computer is the one that's off locked in a safe. A bit of a drastic solution... Luckily, there are other options that can combat all the risks coming from the web. The first is to use common sense and move in the online world always with eyes wide open, the second is to install tools that help protect computers, but also smartphones and tablets, from increasingly devious and sophisticated dangers.

Protection from the infamous ransomware

Avira, among the best free antivirus for PCs, confirms that ransomware is one of the threats with the most vertiginous growth in the global threat landscape, with detections reaching 196% worldwide between May and September 2016. The situation is even more dramatic in German-speaking countries, where reports jump to 326%. Avira Free Antivirus, according to several independent tests, is able to detect and block a whole spectrum of online threats. Users receive the latest updates via the Avira Protection Cloud thanks to analyses based on artificial intelligence systems. For MAC users there is Free Antivirus for Mac, while for iPhone there is Avira Vault. Android users can also try Free Antivirus for Android.

(Taken from YouTube)

Anonymous and Private Browsing

Everyone, more or less, spends a large part of their day online, whether for leisure or work. And everyone wants to do it safely whether they connect from home or through a public Wi-Fi network, both in Italy and abroad. This is not always a simple task. Avira Phantom VPN solves this problem by encrypting the entire communication between the user's device and the Internet, preventing hackers from getting hold of often very sensitive data and information. Phantom, by masking the true IP address of the device, allows you to surf anonymously using multiple access points in each country. In addition to protecting a volume of data that far exceeds the needs of an average user. La protezione del volume di dati corrisponde, infatti, a più di 4 film in Full HD.

Occhi puntati sulla salvaguardia della privacy

Quando usa il computer e si naviga sul web è inevitabile che, con il tempo, il numero dei dati salvati sull’hard disk aumenta, vengono a crearsi problemi nel registro del sistema, e i computer diventano inevitabilmente più lenti. Qualche utente è spesso in difficoltà quando si tratta di rimuovere questi “rifiuti digitali”. Avira System Speedup analizza le prestazioni del computer e abilita le modifiche necessarie per migliorarle. Questo strumento, inoltre, offre una grande quantità di funzionalità e servizi che assicurano il recupero dei dati e una riparazione veloce, così come la rimozione di tracker indesiderati, grazie alla pulizia dei registri della cache.

Alla larga da siti web potenzialmente infetti

avira-browser-safety.jpgFonte foto: Web

Avira browser system

Avira aggiunge un ulteriore livello di protezione all’esperienza in rete con l’estensione Avira Browser Safety. Molte minacce in rete provengono dal browser, ma è possibile bloccarle attivando questa apposita opzione. In questo modo è possibile eliminare ogni pericolo di download dannosi, di phishing e di frode online. Your online shopping experience will also be much smoother thanks to the Avira Offers feature that offers the best prices from a store you trust.

Free Automatic Updates

Free Security Suite also contains an automatic update feature that allows users to receive new free apps and product information directly on their Avira Connect dashboard. An option that ensures you receive updates, new products and security services immediately as soon as they are deployed. Be warned, though, Avira's Free Security Suite is completely free, only compatible with Windows, and the functionality of some apps - like Speedup and Phantom VPN - is limited. Other free Avira apps are, however, available in the Connect dashboard. There is, however, no shortage of free products for Mac, Android, and iOS as well.

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