Google, Andromeda will be the operating system of the future

Hybrid between Android and Chrome OS, it will be installed on tablets and PCs produced by the Mountain View company. Also ready to debut Pixel 3, an ultra thin tablet

With an indiscretion launched on social networks by an anonymous source has been made official the existence of Andromeda, the new operating system developed by Google that will replace Android and Chrome OS on tablets and laptops produced by the Mountain View company.

All this has been discovered through some images shared on the web and that showed references to Andromeda present within Android Nougat in the file For a few months, news about a new operating system ready to debut, but so far Google had always denied and nipped in the bud any rumor. Andromeda sarà un ibrido tra Android e Chrome OS e si adatterà perfettamente ai laptop 2 in 1. La presentazione ufficiale potrebbe avvenire il 4 ottobre all’evento organizzato da Google per presentare i nuovi smartphone Pixel, un router Wi-Fi e la terza versione di Chromecast.

Le caratteristiche tecniche di Pixel 3

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Grazie ad Andromeda Google dovrebbe essere finalmente in grado di combattere ad armi pari con Apple e Microsoft sul mercato dei tablet dedicati al mondo del lavoro. Per il terzo quadrimestre del 2017 è previsto il lancio di Pixel 3, primo laptop 2 in 1 a montare Andromeda e dalle specifiche tecniche da top di gamma. Profilo ultra sottile; schermo touch screen da 12,3 pollici con la possibilità di sfilare la tastiera e trasformarlo in tablet; processore i5; 8 o 16 GB di RAM e un SD da 32 o 128 GB. Pixel 3 will challenge Microsoft's Surface and Apple's iPad Pro on their own ground, aiming at an affordable price and performance optimized for the working world.

How will Andromeda

The new Andromeda operating system will have a totally different user interface than its predecessors, but most likely the kernel (the "heart" of any operating system) will be borrowed from Android. From Chrome OS will be taken only a few features related to productivity that users liked so much. For the moment Android and Chrome Os will not disappear, but will continue to be taken into account by Google's development teams.