Google+, another bug and another data leak lead to early closure

New security flaw for Google +, Mountain View's social media has put 52 million of its users' data on the Net. Early closure in April 2019

A couple of weeks ago Google had announced, somewhat surprisingly but not too much, that it had decided to close its social media Google + forever in 2019 due to a cybersecurity flaw. Now a new loss of user data will lead to an early closure of Google Plus.

It's not a great time for some of Google's older services, after the social media Google + Mountain View also announced the closure of the Hangouts app. Users who have remained loyal to Google+, however, will now have to hurry to retrieve their data from the platform because a new data leak of several subscribers due to yet another security flaw in the social media will lead to an immediate shutdown of Google Plus. The new bug, discovered last November 7, 2018 would have put at risk the data of about 52 million users registered on the platform. A much bigger problem than the previous data leak that involved 500 thousand users. Google has warned that it has fixed the problem but the continuing security bugs will lead Google + to an early closure.

Google Plus continuing security problems: social media closes now

The latest bug in order of time on Google + showed profile data that a user had not made public, such as name, age, email address and profession, and also some profile data shared privately between users that should not have been accessible. For several days, this information remained under the eyes of third-party companies and potential cyber criminals who were thus able to spy on and steal the personal information of unsuspecting Google Plus users. Mountain View has heartened, at least in part, users by informing them that the security bug did not involve data such as credit cards or passwords.

But when will we see the final shutdown for Google+? Given the ongoing security issues Google has announced that the social media will only remain active until next April 2019. Hoping that new security flaws won't lead to a further early closure.