Google Chromecast: how to use it and how to configure it

How many times have you wanted to watch your favorite movie at home, but on a big screen, just like at the cinema? Many, maybe too many! Today we tell you that yes, it is possible to watch any program, movie or TV series "big", directly from the couch in your living room with the help of Google Chromecast. Chromecast, in fact, finally arrives in Italy and depopulated among fans of movies and TV series: it is, from a practical point of view, a Google device that looks very much like a stick for streaming media and connects to the HDMI port of your TV.

Since its debut in our country, Google Chromecast, has had great success among its consumers and it is not complicated to understand why. It is a great technological advancement that can meet the expectations of young and old alike and, to date, it is available in three versions; the third version is the most updated.

Google Chromecast is very appreciated by users because it is compatible with most streaming services: Tim Vision, Netflix, Infinity. Even apps like Youtube, Spotify, Dezzer and Napster are perfectly compatible with Chromecast. Not only that, Google Chromecast is also compatible with the Google Home system, which allows various functions through the use of voice commands. And that's not all, thanks to Google Chromecast it will also be very easy to navigate with Chrome and open different contents: videos, photos and music. Are you still undecided whether to buy it or not? Here is a quick guide to the functions that Google Chromecast has to offer.

Google Chromecast: how to use it and how to configure it

To start taking advantage of the many functions of Google Chromecast, you must first download the Chromecast app on your smartphone or tablet and enter the password provided to connect the various devices. Only at this point will you finally be able to watch on your home TV movies, TV shows, photos and videos that you usually have on your tablet, PC and smartphone. The configuration of Google Chromecast consists of a few very simple steps: in the package you'll find, in addition to the key and an HDMI adapter to connect the Chromecast to the TV, the power supply with USB port and, of course, the instruction manual.

After downloading the appropriate application, you must click on "devices" and at the top will appear the Chromecast to be configured, then press "configure". In this way, the device will disconnect from the Wi-Fi network to connect to the wireless network created ad hoc for the configuration. Next, you will be asked to confirm the pairing code shown on the TV; press "code is displayed". At this point the app will ask the user whether to keep the default name or choose a new one: once the new name is chosen, proceed by clicking "set name" to continue the configuration. The most important screen will now appear, namely the one to configure access to the Wi-Fi network: you need to choose the Wireless network from the proposed list, enter the password and click "set network".

How Google Chromecast works with Android and iOS

After completing the first configuration of Google Chromecast, you are officially ready to find out how it works. If you want to use Chromecast with Android, to be able to display content from your smartphone directly on the TV screen, all you'll have to do is connect your phone to the same Wi-Fi network to which the Chromecast is connected, launch the app among the compatible ones and click on the transmission icon.

This way you'll be able to display any content coming from your smartphone or tablet on your TV screen; to stop the transmission, instead, launch the Google Home app again and click "stop mirroring". Regarding the use of Chromecast in relation to the iPhone, it's important to know that you can transmit the cell phone's content on the television screen, but not the phone's screen. As previously explained for the Android system, also for the iPhone you need to launch the relevant application and, after connecting the phone, you'll press on the broadcast icon to start playing the content.

How Chromecast Google works with the PC

Chromecast Google works not only for Android and iOS, but also for the computer. Through the "transmit" function, in fact, you can project multimedia content, even audio, from your phone to the TV screen. A real convenience!

To start Chromecast from your home computer, you need to start Google Chrome for Windows, macOS and Linux and click on the icon made up of three dots: then "transmit" on the menu that appears. After that you select the name associated with the Chromecast and that's it. In addition, it is curious to know how some services, such as Youtube, Netflix and many others, allow you to start the transmission of a content by clicking on the icon of the wireless transmission.

The functioning of Chromecast with Google Home

Also with Google Home you can play back content on your TV. In fact, the latter ensures the transmission of content from Netflix, Youtube, Infinity and Play Film using modern voice commands. Once the configuration of Google Home is complete, you'll need to launch the app from your cell phone by pressing the "settings" item. In this way you'll be able to see the "Google Assistant services" section and just click on the "connect" option related to the app you're interested in (Netflix, Youtube, Infinity).

Thanks to this interaction, then, you can ask the voice assistant to play a movie, a video, a song, but also to stop and resume the playback itself. You'll then be ready to start the playback of the chosen content with the help of voice commands. A real child's play!

How Chromecast works integrated

It is very curious to know that some televisions, such as Smart TVs from Philips, Sony, Toshiba, Sharp, are equipped with integrated Chromecast. But what is meant by "integrated"? It's very simple: it means that in order to send a series of videos and audio to your home TV from your tablet, pc or smartphone, you don't need to buy the "physical" Chromecast.

All you need to do, in fact, is to connect the TV with Integrated Chromecast to the Internet and proceed to configuration using the Google Home app. Furthermore, we'll let you in on a little secret: there is no difference between Chromecast and Chromecast Integrated, as the procedure for mirroring the screen of your mobile device is identical to what we've outlined in the previous paragraphs.

10 reasons why you should have Google Chromecast

Many people wonder if everything we've talked about so far can't be done by connecting your PC to your TV with an HDMI or VGA cable. The answer we feel like giving is very simple: yes, it is possible, but there is no comparison. Using Google Chromecast, in fact, the yield will be ten times better than using a cable. Al costo di soli 39,00 euro vi potrete risparmiare fili e fatica, oltre al fatto di poter controllare in maniera diretta molteplici funzioni: chi è connesso alla rete Wi-Fi ha la facoltà di azionare, per esempio, un video senza dover utilizzare il PC (che potrà rimanere spento).

Sarà una delle comodità alla quale non potrete più rinunciare, soprattutto se avete figli. Google Chromecast diventerà il vostro migliore amico! A tal proposito, abbiamo deciso di stilare una lista con almeno dieci motivi per cui Google Chromecast non può assolutamente mancare a casa vostra.

  • Google Chromecast può essere un regalo di compleanno, e non solo, davvero molto apprezzato ed originale. Quante volte avete girato per negozi alla ricerca del regalo perfetto per una laurea o per Natale? Niente paura! Google Chromecast è ciò che fa al caso vostro. Con pochissimi euro farete un cosiddetto "figurone"; quasi il prezzo di un banale profumo. E se chi lo riceve non ha idea di cosa Google Chromecast sia, fategli leggere questo articolo.
  • È l’ideale per i bambini che vanno matti per i cartoni animati. Se siete mamme molto indaffarate, Google Chromecast potrà darvi una grossa mano: non solo renderà più piacevole la visione ai vostri piccoli, ma il cellulare potrà rimanere spento o impegnato in altre funzioni. Inoltre, per ultimo ma non meno importante, Google Chromecast non danneggerà la vista dei vostri bambini.
  • Parlando nuovamente di bambini, nel caso di un’abitazione con più piani, potrete trasmettere, grazie a Google Chromecast, il video di una telecamera IP direttamente sul televisore. Così facendo, potrete controllare i vostri bambini costantemente mentre svolgete le faccende di casa.
  • Grazie a Videostream, estensione di Google Chromecast, è possibile riprodurre sullo schermo del televisore di casa qualsiasi file audio o video presente sul proprio computer o smartphone. Contrariamente al bluetooth, la distanza non costituisce un problema per la trasmissione dei contenuti: è sufficiente che il PC/smartphone e la TV a cui è collegato il Chromecast utilizzino la stessa rete Wi-Fi.
  • Un’altra funzione interessante di Google Chromecast è che permette di visualizzare sul televisore qualsiasi contenuto aperto su Chrome. Basta un semplice click!
  • Google+ integra perfettamente il Chromecast nelle sue funzioni. Sostanzialmente, usando il proprio telefono cellulare sarà possibile inviare alla TV i contenuti Google+. Unitamente, da pochi mesi, i comandi vocali e lo stesso "Ok Google" funzionano in mirroring, così come i giochi, le app preferite, la musica e la posta elettronica.
  • Siete appassionati di calcio ed eventi sportivi? Allora Google Chromecast fa assolutamente al caso vostro e non potrete più farne senza! Da oggi puoi trasmettere le tue partite preferite, in qualsiasi lingua, sullo schermo di casa tua. Sappiamo che stavate aspettando questa novità da tempo!
  • Ad oggi, moltissime sono le applicazioni che sfruttano il Chromecast: dai giochi alle applicazioni sportive, fino alla radio e ai filmati. Direttamente sullo schermo del vostro televisore, dunque, visualizzerete il gioco e ciò rende l’attività sicuramente più piacevole.
  • Potrebbe sembrare scontato e banale, ma non lo è: Google Chromecast può essere un accessorio per abbellire la vostra abitazione. Nei momenti di inattività, infatti, scandisce attraverso la TV una serie di immagini naturalistiche molto gradite alla vista. In questo modo, garantisce un’atmosfera molto rilassante.
  • Come ultimo motivo, ma non meno importante, per il quale suggeriamo di acquistare Google Chromecast c’è il suo prezzo e la facilità con cui si monta. Il costo di questo dispositivo, infatti, è davvero alla portata di tutti: con soli 39,00 euro, appunto, vi porterete a casa un vero gioiellino che vi cambierà le giornate. Altro punto a suo favore è la facilità con cui si monta e si utilizza; la confezione è minimale, dall’inconfondibile stile Google, ed il contenuto poco fraintendibile. All’interno della scatola troverete il Chromecast, un cavo USB per l’alimentazione, adattatore da parete e la prolunga HDMI.

Dove acquistare Google Chromecast

Google Chromecast è venduto sul sito ufficiale di Google al modico prezzo di 39,00 euro ed è disponibile in vari colori: giallo, rosso, blu… E molti altri, per tutti i gusti. È possibile acquistarlo anche nei vari store che vendono apparecchiature tech, quali MediaWorld, Unieuro, Euronics e molti altri. A curiosity we want to inform you of is that you won't find Google Chromecast on Amazon, as the latter has decided, to boost its Fire TV production, to no longer market Chromecast or Apple.

At short notice, according to official Google releases, the app will be called Google Cast: it's just a name change, as it won't change the way the device works. Google Cast will make its appearance after the app has been officially updated, both on Android and iOS devices. With this article we hope to have convinced you to buy Google Chromecast or, at least, to have stimulated at least a little bit your curiosity about this device.

We'd like to say that this support can also be useful for the elderly: nowadays, most of the multimedia content that can interest even a less avant-garde segment of the population, are only transmitted over the Internet without the possibility of being enjoyed by the less young: with your help even grandparents can watch something different than the usual programs.

We believe that, with the times that run, it is necessary to be always updated on the news that surround us and that it is important to keep up with technology to ensure a better quality of life. Have you already found the right Google Chromecast model for you?