Hacker attack against RDS, subtracted radio listeners’ data

Attacked and subtracted a database, users' data in the hands of hackers: what are the risks and what is the radio station doing.

Hackers attacking one of the most important Italian national radio stations: RDS suffered a "data breach" on March 1, that is, a theft of data of users registered to the site and app. This was revealed by RDS itself by sending an email to all affected users.

The message, sent late on March 4, tells users what data has been stolen, what RDS is doing to deal with this situation and what users should do to protect themselves. All in compliance with a precise procedure provided by the new European legislation on privacy (GDPR), which requires those who suffer data theft to communicate it promptly and transparently to users whose data has been stolen during the attack. RDS, correttamente, lo ha fatto proprio con questa email. Ecco cosa c’è scritto.

Furto dati RDS, l’email inviata agli utenti

L’email che RDS ha inviato agli utenti proviene dall’indirizzo [email protected] e ha come oggetto “Comunicazione importante“.

Il corpo dell’email recita invece: “la presente comunicazione per segnalarLe che in data 1° marzo 2021 Radio Dimensione Suono S.p.A. (“Titolare" o “RDS") ha riscontrato la compromissione di un database con la conseguente divulgazione di dati personali a Lei riferibili e, in particolare, quelli da Lei forniti al momento dell’iscrizione alla community di RDS, ossia: nome e cognome; indirizzo di posta elettronica“.

RDS comunica anche che tra i dati trafugati dagli hacker ci potrebbero essere anche data e luogo di nascita, numero di telefono, indirizzo di residenza e genere.

RDS data theft: what users should do

RDS is one of the most listened radio stations in Italy, also online and via the app: the one for Android, for example, counts more than half a million downloads.

The stolen data could be used to attempt phishing actions via email or phone scams, so RDS itself advises its users to pay close attention to both emails received and calls from unknown numbers.