How the Lime scooter rental app works

In this article we will explain how to download the Lime app, how to use it to rent electric scooters and what the costs of the service are.

The Lime app for renting electric scooters is an application that recently arrived in Italy that allows you to use a sharing service of electric scooters in the city center.

The company Lime is a California-based company committed to the development of sustainable mobility and, in collaboration with the municipalities of several Italian cities, has created this green micro-mobility project. Thanks to the app, in fact, it is possible to rent a latest generation electric scooter, with wheels suitable for tackling the winding streets of historic centers, and park it wherever it is most convenient. Tutti i cittadini possono utilizzarlo, e contribuire così a ridurre le emissioni nella loro città: basta avere uno smartphone e un conto su cui attivare il pagamento.

App Lime: come funziona

Molti si chiedono come funzioni l’app Lime, e se sia possibile scaricarla su qualunque dispositivo. Rispondere alla domanda "Lime: come funziona" è molto semplice.

Per prima cosa è necessario scaricare l’app sul proprio smartphone: l’applicazione è disponibile sia su sistema operativo Android che su iOS. Se avete uno smartphone Android vi basterà entrare nel Play Store, digitare la frase chiave "lime monopattino", scaricare l’applicazione e installarla. Se avete un iPhone invece, entrare nell’App store e seguite lo stesso procedimento.

Una volta installata l’app Lime per monopattino elettrico dovrete configurarla. Le opzioni sono due:

  • creare un nuovo account dedicato, utilizzando il vostro indirizzo email e una password
  • utilizzare il proprio account social

Successivamente, attivate il GPS e autorizzate l’app ad accedere alla vostra posizione. Senza questo passaggio, non sarà possibile utilizzare Lime. Potete revocare l’autorizzazione in ogni momento, tramite le Impostazioni del vostro cellulare ma, come abbiamo detto, non potrete utilizzare l’app.

La geolocalizzazione è fondamentale perché vi permetterà di accedere ad una mappa che vi mostrerà la vostra posizione e quella di tutti i mezzi disponibili della zona. Oltre ad indicare dove si trovano i monopattini elettrici Lime, vi sarà mostrato anche il livello della batteria di ciascun mezzo. In questo modo avrete un altro elemento, oltre alla vicinanza, per scegliere quale adoperare. If you think you will have to go a long way and that the battery will not last long enough, it is advisable to look for another scooter, even a little further away, but that can accompany you throughout the trip.

Once you reach the electric scooter, you will have to scan the QR code on it with your smartphone and unlock it with a button. After the ride, you can park the vehicle in one of the allowed areas and follow the instructions to finish the rental.

Lime: costs and rates

Knowing the Lime app and the costs of using it is essential to use this eco-friendly means of transportation. The Lime app is free: everyone can download it and view the map where the electric scooters are located. The service, on the other hand, is chargeable: here are the costs.

The basic rate is €1 for the initial unlocking of the scooter, to which €0.25 is added for each minute of travel. This plan is ideal for those who make sporadic use of the electric scooter or use it for short trips.

The weekly subscription costs €2.99 and allows unlimited use of the scooters for the duration of the month of subscription, to which €0.25 is added for every minute of travel (as in the basic plan).

Monthly subscriptions range from €19.99 for 8 rides up to €149.99 for 100 rides (to be used over three months), plus 30 minutes of free unlocking with any monthly package.

It's important to note that when it comes to calculating costs on the Lime app, the minutes to be accounted for start from the moment the electric scooter is selected and not the actual minutes of riding. This means that if you intend to book a particular ride, the clock for payment will start at the time of booking, and not at the time of unlocking.

Traveling Safely with the Lime Electric Scooter

To travel safely with the Lime Electric Scooter, you need to follow some simple traffic rules. It is possible to travel on bicycle paths and urban roads with a speed limit of 50 km/h (without exceeding the maximum speed of 25 km/h) and on pedestrian roads not forbidden to pedal two-wheelers (without exceeding the maximum speed of 6 km/h).

The use of the Lime electric scooter is allowed only to one person at a time who is over 14 years of age. The use of a helmet is compulsory up to the age of 18 (the helmet is not supplied), while it is strongly recommended for adult riders.

All Lime electric scooters are regularly sanitized and disinfected, in order to guarantee the safety of all citizens who choose to travel in an ecological and responsible manner.