How to cancel Netflix subscription

In this article we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to cancel Netflix for free, and how to cancel your monthly subscription with iTunes as well.

Netflix is one of the most widely used streaming content platforms. Knowing how to cancel Netflix can be very useful before signing up for a monthly subscription to movies, TV series and documentaries.

How to Cancel Netflix Subscription

Netflix is a streaming service platform, but also a producer of media content, such as movies, TV series and entertainment. With the smartphone app and desktop mode, you can access both from mobile and PC your favorite content at any time. Canceling Netflix subscription means canceling access to the provision of these streaming services and no longer paying the monthly fee. In fact, Netflix offers different content and news every day that can only be accessed by subscribers to the service.

Netflix also offers different monthly subscription plans, such as Basic, Standard and Premium, which differ from each other in the number of devices connected at the same time and the cost per month. When subscribing to a plan you must also indicate the desired payment method. At this stage it is possible to activate the automatic renewal mode, through which you can make the payment every month without worrying about starting the transaction. The renewal is then automatic and does not require a new activation process the following month.

You can disable Netflix auto-renewal at any time, without giving up the content offered by the platform. Each month you will then need to physically make the payment, either through the mobile app or the official website, entering the desired method. This procedure can be more cumbersome, but it is ideal for those who want to keep their monthly expenses under control.

Disbanding Netflix costs or is it free?

The Netflix subscription can cost differently depending on the plan chosen according to your needs, for example if you want to use several devices at once you must opt for the Standard or Premium solutions. At the same time the cost of Netflix can change depending on your economic needs, so if you want to sustain a low cost without sacrificing exclusive content you can opt for the basic plan.

Cancel Netflix subscription has no cost. In fact, at any time you can start the process to cancel your Netflix subscription conveniently from the app or the site. In this way, for free from your PC or smartphone, you can deactivate the provision of the service and no longer have any monthly cost. Il costo di disattivazione Netflix è perciò nullo.

Come disdire Netflix

Disdire Netflix è semplicissimo, soprattutto se si è iscritti tramite desktop o app ufficiale. Il procedimento da seguire è molto semplice e include pochi e semplici step, ovvero:

  • aprire il sito o l’app Netflix, accedere con le proprie credenziali o con il profilo social; sulla versione desktop ufficiale è presente la sezione “Accedi" apposita in altro a destra;
  • dopo aver eseguito l’accesso è necessario cliccare nella sezione “abbonamento e fatturazione";
  • selezionare la voce “disdici l’abbonamento" e confermare la disdetta in pochi passi.

Dopo questo semplice procedimento per annullare l’abbonamento Netflix, l’utente riceve via email un resoconto del processo di disattivazione, con una richiesta di conferma. Se non si desidera più disdire Netflix è possibile accedere al sito in qualsiasi momento e riattivare l’abbonamento, aggiornandolo con le modalità di pagamento.

How to deactivate Netflix auto-renewal on iTunes

Those who use Apple devices, such as the iPhone or iMac, may have activated the Netflix supply from iTunes, the program of the well-known American company with which you can manage music, videos, multimedia content and subscriptions.

In order to cancel Netflix auto-renewal from iTunes you need to access this Apple service with your credentials. Where you haven't already done so you need to open the app and visit the "Sign In" section, where you will be asked for your email and user password.

After signing in you need to click on the icon and visit the "account information" item. Within this section there are several sections, including "subscriptions" in which the streaming platform should be present. To cancel Netflix simply click on "edit" and cancel the subscription. In any case, cancel Netflix subscription with iTunes or directly from the site, the platform will save the user's preferences for 10 months so you can reactivate it and resume TV series and movies at any time.