How to check your insurance expiry date

Checking the expiry date of your car insurance is a very important aspect of managing your vehicle as it eliminates the risk of incurring penalties and gives you the tools you need to identify, well in advance, the best options to maximize savings on your policy.

Car insurance is an annual policy and the policyholder will need to take out a new policy each year for their vehicle in order to be able to drive on public roads in accordance with current legislation which requires any type of motor vehicle to have liability cover.

Temporary policies

Car insurance has a very precise expiry date and it is up to the policyholder to carefully monitor the expiry period of the policy in order not to be caught unprepared and to activate the best solutions to insure his vehicle. It must be underlined, moreover, that the insurance market also proposes temporary policies.

These solutions, usually of monthly, quarterly or six-monthly duration, have a shorter expiry date and therefore require greater attention on the part of the policyholder who, on the basis of his own needs, must periodically check the expiry date and, if necessary, proceed with the activation of a new policy following the correct timing.

Abolito il tacito rinnovo

Car insurance does not have "tacit renewal" which can be useful to eliminate the risk of not renewing the policy once the expiry date has been reached. Without the tacit renewal, the policyholder is obliged to renew the insurance contract once the expiry date has been reached.

In this way there is the possibility to choose between a simple renewal of the policy, which allows you to renew for another year the contract in force with your company, and the subscription of a new car insurance with another company (a solution that allows you to save money by comparing quotes and activating the most advantageous options).

Compare auto liability and saveYou'll see "var sosCta1 = document.getElementById("sos-cta1"); = "width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; display: table; text-decoration: none; padding: 20px 30px; margin: 5px auto; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 0 0 4.8px 0.3px rgba(0,0,0.1); border: solid 1px #eeee; background-color: #fafafa; border-left: 2px solid #477199";var sosCta1Label = sosCta1.getElementsByTagName("b");sosCta1Label[0].style.cssText = "box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; letter-spacing: normal; text-align: left; color: #333333; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;";var sosCta1Button = sosCta1.getElementsByTagName("strong");sosCta1Button[0].style.cssText = "width: 20%; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 4px; border: solid 1px #009b4c; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; font-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; letter-spacing: normal; color: #ffffff; background: #16af83; padding: 10px 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;";

In any case, it is always very important to check the expiration of the insurance. In order to be able to check, at any time, the actual expiration date of a car or motorcycle policy you can use some (free) tools that are available to users. Thanks to the verification of the expiration date, you will have the possibility to check at any time what is the last day of validity of the activated policy, being able to identify the tolerance time provided by the legislation and choose a possible new insurance to be activated.

Remember that the article 193 of the Highway Code imposes the wearing of a RC coverage to be able to circulate on a public road with any motor vehicle. In case of violation of this obligation, a fine of up to 3.366 Euro is foreseen, in addition to the seizure of the uninsured vehicle.

Respecting this obligation is very important, also to the sanctions connected to the violation of the norm. Consequently, it is also very important to be able to check the expiration of insurance at any time and in a very quick, simple and free way.

How to remember the expiration of car insurance

To keep up with all the deadlines that characterize the everyday life is not easy and follow the various deadlines related to the car industry can be very difficult. To quickly check the expiration date of your insurance you can take advantage of the App and, in particular, its "memo" function that allows the user to receive reminders of all the main expirations related to the car or motorcycle.

The App can be downloaded, completely free of charge, on any Android smartphone or tablet, by connecting to the Play Store, or on iPhone and iPad, by connecting to the App Store. Once the application has been installed, it will be sufficient to register (all you need is an email address) in order to be able to use, in a complete way, all the functions of the app and save money by activating the main services present on the comparator.

Accessing the App it is also possible to use the "memo" function that allows you to insert the data of your vehicle (car or motorcycle) and set all the main deadlines. In this way, therefore, it is possible to receive a reminder and check at any time the expiry date of the insurance but also the expiry date of the stamp duty and of the revision so as to always be ready and to proceed, within the right time, to the renewal or to the due payments.

Circulating without insurance: period of tolerance and sanctions

The regulations in force oblige any motor vehicle to have a third party liability cover in order to circulate, or even just to stop, on public roads. This insurance cover is valid for one year (although there are shorter solutions to meet the needs of all users) and is not "tacitly renewed".

At the end of the period of validity, if the motorist does not renew the policy or activate a new one, the vehicle will remain without regular insurance cover and will not be able to circulate on public roads.

It should be noted that the legislation provides for a specific grace period during which the insurance cover will continue to be valid even if the policy attached to it has expired. The grace period is a real lifeline for inattentive drivers who tend to forget or fail to check the expiry date of their car insurance.

The grace period is set at 15 days from the expiry date of the policy. Per questo periodo, la copertura assicurativa, anche se scaduta, sarà valida garantendo all’automobilista ritardatario la possibilità di attivare una nuova polizza con relativa calma, dedicando un po’ di tempo all’analisi delle varie proposte ed alla scelta della migliore soluzione disponibile sul mercato.

Periodo di tolleranza: tutto quello che c’è da sapere

Bisogna sottolineare, inoltre, che il periodo di tolleranza:

  • non presenta alcuna deroga o possibilità di proroga; terminato il periodo di tolleranza, infatti, per il proprietario del veicolo che non sarà in regola scatteranno le sanzioni;
  • può essere applicata esclusivamente sulle polizze di durata annuale; per le polizze "temporanee", come quella trimestrale o mensile, il tempo di tolleranza non può essere applicato.
  • Il periodo di tolleranza vale per le polizze annuali che prevedono un pagamento rateale come, ad esempio, la suddivisione del premio in due rate semestrali;
  • durante il periodo di tolleranza, la copertura assicurativa resta valida esclusivamente sul territorio italiano; per chi vive in zone di confine con altri Paesi ci sono rischi maggiori durante il periodo di tolleranza che non si applica quando il veicolo si trova all’estero;
  • il periodo di tolleranza termina alle 23.59 del quindicesimo giorno successivo alla scadenza della polizza;
  • il periodo di tolleranza è sancito dalla normativa vigente e non è necessario che sia indicato nelle condizioni contrattuali;
  • il periodo di tolleranza si applica anche nel caso in cui il contraente abbia già espresso la volontà di non rinnovare la polizza assicurativa;

Per chi circola in strade pubbliche con il proprio veicolo, una volta terminato il periodo di tolleranza, è prevista una sanzione amministrativa ed anche il sequestro del veicolo. Da notare che la sanzione pecuniaria, che nei casi più gravi può superare i 3 mila Euro, viene automaticamente ridotta del 25% se il pagamento viene effettuato entro 15 giorni dalla fine del periodo di tolleranza (quindi entro 30 giorni dalla scadenza della polizza). La sanzione viene, invece, raddoppiata in caso di recidività ovvero quando il soggetto incorre nella stessa violazione per due volte in un periodo di due anni. The driver will also have to reckon with the suspension of his license for two months from the detection of the infraction.

Online comparison of quotes

Online comparison, such as that made available by the experts at, allows you to compare the best RC auto quotes with considerable savings in time and money.

Compare online the best car liability quotes

The service is free and, by entering once personal data, insurance data and model to be insured, it is possible, saving this information, to make a comparison of the car liability quotes of the main companies on the Italian market - repeating the comparison in subsequent periods, without having to re-enter your data.