How to delete one’s online data after death

This is a delicate subject and one that is arousing the interest of many people online, here's how to manage one's account after our death

It's a delicate subject but one that with the increasing digitization of our private lives is taking on increasingly important implications. We're talking about how to manage data and social accounts online after our death. It may seem a bizarre topic, but it is worth thinking about it in time.

Not everyone, in fact, likes the idea of seeing their profile on a web platform managed by friends and relatives after death. Most people, understandably, would prefer to eliminate their presence from the Internet altogether in these situations. Obviously, to delete  information about our person present on the Internet we need to plan and set up some options in advance. Fortunately, some services, such as Google and Facebook, allow users to erase all traces of our passage on the web. And it only takes a few clicks to do so.


Google offers a service that you can activate manually that allows you to delete all the information of an account after it has been inactive for some time. With this feature all the data about our person saved on the various Mountain View services such as Gmail, YouTube, Blogger and AdSense will be deleted. To set up this feature just go to We will have to set a recovery phone number and choose a period of time before the account is considered inactive. This ranges from 3 months up to 18 months. Before leaving we select the checkmark Elmina account, which will be activated only if we do not access the services for the months set.


Facebook is one of the few social media that allows real solutions designed for these cases. On the social, in fact, we can set up a recovery contact that will manage our page in case we die. But on Facebook there is also the possibility to delete the account. To do this we have to go to Settings> General. At this point we have to click on the voice  "Request account deletion" present in the section dedicated to account management in case of death.