How to fix the call problem on Android

If your Android smartphone won't let you make calls, the causes could be different. Here's what you need to do

Receiving calls on your smartphone is one of the simplest, most natural and frequent activities in our day. And, in theory, it shouldn't cause any problems because, after all, smartphones are phones and, as such, they are used to make calls. But, unfortunately, sometimes not everything goes smoothly.

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It has happened to all of us, in fact, that when we receive a call and make the classic "swipe" to answer, the result is quite different from expected: instead of answering the call, in fact, sometimes the smartphone hangs up, it freezes and we can not communicate with the caller. Sometimes the communication has actually started, with our voice being heard by the caller, but without us being able to hear the words of the caller. Sometimes this doesn't happen either: the call, despite the swipe, is not accepted. How to solve the call problem on Android smartphones?

Call problem on Android: are we answering properly?

The first question to ask yourself, paradoxically, is whether you are making the right gesture to answer the phone: not all Android devices, in fact, require the same gesture. Some of them require you to swipe upwards, others to the right, and still others require you to simply tap the green handset icon. Trying all possible methods, then, is essential to understand if we really have a problem with calls on Android. On Samsung smartphones, then, you can enable (or disable, if it creates problems) the option to answer calls with a single tap: we find it in Settings > Accessibility > Single Tap Mode.

Calls problem on Android: is the problem the SIM?

If we actually have a call problem on an Android smartphone, then there are two causes: either the SIM card or the phone is at fault.

To check if the SIM card is at fault we can remove it and then reinsert it, or turn on airplane mode for a couple of minutes and then turn it off. In both cases, the phone will re-initialize the SIM read service and if there was any problem before, everything should be solved.

Calls problem on Android: is the problem in the phone?

If it's not a SIM problem, most likely we can't receive calls because of the Android smartphone. The first attempt to do, therefore, is to restart the phone and see if the problem persists. There could also be a malfunction in the Phone app, which is sometimes solved by clearing the cache of the app itself. Just go to Settings > Apps and notifications, then search and open the Phone app and choose "Storage space and cache". Here we'll have the option to clear the cache.

If that's not enough, we can also try uninstalling the app and installing it again or, if there's a newer version of the app, update it from the Play Store. If our smartphone comes out of the factory with a custom phone app, finally, we can remove it and install the standard Android app instead.