How to force dark mode on every site with Chrome

With version 78 of Chrome, the ability to make even the content of websites "black" has been included: here's how to enable the feature

There's dark mode and dark mode. All the latest versions of mobile and desktop operating systems now integrate a more or less complete dark mode and many apps do the same. However, there's still the last frontier to be rendered in night mode: website content. With Chrome 78 (the latest version of Google's browser) you can do it.

The latest version of the well-known browser released by Google, in fact, contains a new feature called "Force Dark Mode". Thanks to it, it is possible to darken all the white parts of an Internet site. This option should not be confused with the application's dark mode, which instead darkens Chrome's interface but not the sites' contents. To have a 100% dark Chrome, therefore, we have to activate both dark modes. But that's not all: of dark modes for websites Chrome offers more than one. In fact, they all look alike, but we have the option to choose which shades of colors we prefer to browse in night mode.

How to force dark mode on Chrome 78

The option to force dark mode of website content is contained among Chrome's "experiments", that is, those features that Google releases to users "on a trial basis" before making them permanent. To activate it you need to type the string "chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark" in the Chrome bar and press enter. Forced dark mode is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome Os and Android versions of Chrome, but always between experiments. If we enter the string to activate it on a Chrome version prior to 78, instead, we'll be sent to the page that contains all the experiments, but we won't find the one related to forced dark mode. We'll just have to wait for the application to be updated so that we can do this experiment as well.

Forced Dark Mode: which one to choose

Different options are available in the drop-down menu that accompanies this experimental Chrome flag, but the operation of each is more or less the same. "Forced Dark Mode", in fact, uses color theory to reverse each color into its opposite (e.g. white to black and vice versa). There are more than one model and the results, by choosing one or the other, can be slightly different. The user can try several of them and choose which color model gets the dark mode closest to his personal taste.