How to improve Wi-Fi and surf at maximum speed

If you have connection speed problems with Wi-Fi there are several tricks that allow you to improve its stability. Here are what they are

Wi-Fi can turn into the worst nightmare if your connection speed is always very slow. Despite an ultra-fast fiber subscription and a top-of-the-line modem, you may not be able to watch a movie on Netflix or an episode on Amazon Prime Video without buffering problems. Not to mention online video games: practically impossible to play with your friends without having a stable and fast connection. What can you do to solve Wi-Fi problems and improve your connection speed? There are some simple tricks and tips you can follow to try to find a solution. The first thing to do is try to identify the problem, which in this case is the connection speed. How limited is it? What is the maximum peak that is reached? Does the problem concern the entire day or does it have peaks at certain precise moments when the number of connected users is very high? To give an answer to all these questions it is necessary to do the speed test and repeat it several times a day. Once you have identified the problem, you can try to solve it. Here's how to increase your Wi-Fi speed.

How to Speed Test

Let's start with step zero: figuring out how slow your Wi-Fi is. If we have a subscription for a super-fast fiber connection, but the maximum speed you can reach is lower than ADLS, then it means there's a problem. And the causes can be different: too far away from the telephone exchange (and in this case there is no solution), or the modem badly positioned or of poor quality.

To test the speed of the connection you can use one of the many tools available online. Just type "speed test" on any search engine to find many sites that offer this service. Our advice is to carry out the test at different times of the day, in order to understand when the speed is higher and when it is lower.

Position your router correctly

One of the most likely causes of low Wi-Fi speed could be the router. The first thing to check is its positioning: if it is too far away from the device we use most often or is close to a wall, the Wi-Fi speed will be greatly affected. What to do in these cases? There are several solutions.

The first and simplest is to change its position, putting it in the center of the house or office and to direct the router antennas in the best way. This last aspect is often forgotten, but it is very important to position the antennas in the best way to cover all rooms.

Also, be very careful if there is any other device in the vicinity of the router that can create interference with the radio waves.

Finally, if all these tricks didn't work, there is the final solution: buy a new router that guarantees a higher Wi-Fi speed and greater coverage.

Wi-Fi extender, the ideal solution?

If you have problems moving the router, there are devices that allow you to extend the signal. Their name is quite explicative: Wi-Fi extender and they are used to cover the most hidden areas of the house or office where the Wi-Fi cannot reach.

There are different types and with very different prices between them: depending on your needs and the area that you need to cover you can choose the model that best suits your needs.

An expensive alternative to the Wi-Fi extender is the installation of a mesh system. This is one of the most popular innovative solutions and ensures constant speed, but you need to have the necessary budget to buy all the devices.

Use Ethernet cable

If you really can't find an effective solution to improve the Wi-Fi connection, all that's left is the last attempt: use an Ethernet cable. The connection will surely be more stable and faster, but it certainly won't be possible to cover the whole house. And devices like smartphones certainly can't use the Ethernet cable to connect to the Internet.