How to install Facebook on all devices

Suppose you've just bought a new smart device, such as a tablet or a latest generation phone, and you've finally decided, driven by a sense of adventure  to install Facebook for the first time. It may seem like an obvious procedure to most, but many people nowadays don't yet have a profile, and may be curious to find out how to get one that is ideal for entering this strange and super-connected digital world.

Installing Facebook is always free

Beware of imitations and those who ask you to pay something to install Facebook: the procedure is free in any case, on any device and at any time. You'll be able to have the social network on all compatible devices and without limitation, the important thing is to follow the procedure and not get discouraged. It takes a moment and adapts perfectly to an Android, Windows or iOS (Apple) system.

In this guide we'll explain how to do everything live: don't worry, it's very easy!

Install Facebook on Android

If you have an Android system, such as a tablet or a smartphone, all you have to do is go to the Play Store, the virtual store that contains all the free and paid applications that you can have on your terminal, and click on the search engine. Enter the word "Facebook" and, as the first result, you'll find the unmistakable icon with the F. Click on it or tap, select the Install option. Accept any requests for access to your device, then start the fully automated process of installing Facebook on your phone or tablet.

When the words "Installed" appear, go back to the home screen of your device and look for the Facebook icon. Tap on it to launch the app and sign in, or enter the Facebook account information you already use on other devices to sign in there as well.

There is an alternative to installing Facebook through the Play Store. If, for any reason, you cannot access the Play Store, you can follow the procedure of downloading the APK file of the application. To do this, make sure that you have previously enabled the ability to install files from unknown sources, i.e. sources other than the Play Store. Basically, go to your phone's Settings, go to Security and move the toggle to authorize downloading apps from unrecognized or official sources.

Have done that, connect to the APK Mirror site and get the Facebook installation file from there: you'll find the latest version at the top of the screen. Click on the download button and wait for the file to download. If you are asked which application to use for downloading, click on the browser you usually use (Google Chrome, Firefox or other).

Now you just have to enter the file manager and launch the application, clicking on install and following any specific on-screen guidelines. That's it: you've successfully installed your Facebook app, and all you have to do is sign in or sign up from scratch in case it's your first time connecting!

Installing Facebook on iOS

Do you have an iPhone or iPad device? Don't worry, the procedure for installing the App is simple and very intuitive even from this device. First of all, tap on the App Store icon (i.e. the equivalent of the Play Store for Android) and open the search and type "Facebook". Choose the corresponding result, relying on the right icon and the number of downloads, and tap to get it. Ti verranno richieste le credenziali, che dovrai essere pronto a inserire, e poi avverrà il download dell’applicazione. Una volta installata, la procedura di installazione avviene automaticamente, potrai tornare all’Homepage per accedere alla pagina principale di Facebook. Da qui, dovrai creare un nuovo account (se non ne possiedi già uno) o inserire le tue credenziali esistenti per accedere al tuo profilo consueto, che adoperi già su altri dispositivi.

Applicazioni correlate a Facebook

A volte potrebbe sorgerti la necessità di installare applicazioni correlate a Facebook, idonee sia per Android che iOS, pensate per soddisfare con più facilità le tue esigenze di comunicazione o di lavoro. Si tratta i applicazioni complementari a Facebook che possono fornirti servizi aggiuntivi molto utili e di facile comprensione:

  • Facebook Messenger, o Facebook Messenger Lite, è l’applicazione dedicata alla messaggistica istantanea del social network più famoso di sempre. È l’ideale per chi vuole comunicare con i suoi contatti direttamente da smartphone o tablet con una chat di scambio di contenuti testuali, vocali o multimediali come foto e video.
  • Business Suite. Usi Facebook per lavoro? Questa App ti consente di accedere alle impostazioni di configurazione delle pagine o dei gruppi che gestisci direttamente da dispositivo mobile, senza lungaggini o complicazioni. L’app funziona anche per i servizi collegati ad Instagram, visto e considerato che entrambi i social network, ormai, appartengono già da tempo allo stesso padrone.

Il mio smartphone non regge Facebook: cosa fare?

Esiste una versione dell’applicazione Facebook chiamata "Facebook Lite". Questa soluzione ti permette di accedere al media senza incidenti di percorso, sfruttando un’interfaccia che consuma pochi dati ed è pesata anche per la tecnologia datata o meno performante. At the moment, this application is only available, unfortunately, for Android.

Installing Facebook on Windows 10

If you have a computer equipped with the Windows 10 operating system, you can decide to consult it from your browser (Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge, or others) or install the application and use the social media directly from there: both options work excellently. It's mostly a matter of taste and how you're used to working.

To install Facebook on Windows 10 go to the search bar at the bottom left, the Cortana one, and type Facebook. You should see automatic suggestions appear that will take you directly to the app download. Select it and click on the start button: you'll be able to install it, if it doesn't exist on your device yet, and start using it after logging in as usual. It's all yours to enjoy!

I mistakenly deleted the Facebook app from my device

While trying to make space by saving as many photos as possible from the cleanup, it can happen that you get carried away and end up accidentally removing apps that you actually use, like Facebook for example. It can happen, don't worry. If it happens to you, all you have to do is follow these steps: from the Android Play Store you can repeat the instructions we gave earlier to make a new installation.

If you want to do it even faster, you can open the Play Store and click on the icon with the three horizontal lines: it is the Settings menu. From there you can access the "My Apps" section to locate the list of apps you've already downloaded previously. Here you can choose to install everything you need, or check for updates if they are needed.

If you have iOS, the procedure is just as simple. First, launch the App Store and, using the magnifying glass, enter the word "Facebook" and start the search. You'll undoubtedly find the usual, friendly blue icon with the familiar F. Launch it and follow the installation procedures that will be shown on the screen, giving all the necessary permissions for the device to recognize your identity. If the application was actually uninstalled, you'll see a cloud symbol instead of the usual "Get". The newly installed Facebook app will reappear where you accidentally deleted it, and you'll be ready to use it after logging back in.

In case Facebook doesn't work properly, or if it slows down during startup, remember that for Android you'll have the Lite option, which is a much lighter app designed for less functional devices. If regular Facebook doesn't work well, opt for it and you'll find yourself surfing the web with much more comfort!

I forgot my Facebook login details

If you've forgotten your Facebook login details and don't know how to log in to your new device, where you've just installed the app, it's time to recover your credentials. By entering data such as your phone number or email, you will be able to receive your username or password. Remember that after performing this procedure you may have to enter the new login data on other devices as well. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. Some devices will ask you to "keep access on all devices" automatically. If you accept, you won't have to sign in again from any computer or smartphone: you'll be ready to browse everywhere with your new credentials. Remember your new login details and save them, so you don't have to go through the recovery process.