How to know if you’ve won the Receipts Lottery

From December 1, 2020 you can get your Lottery code to participate in the Receipts Lottery that will start next January 2021: how to find out if you win at the draws

On the government portal dedicated to the Receipts Lottery from December 1 you can get your code to use for purchases starting on January 1, 2021. Every euro spent you will have a virtual ticket to participate in the drawing of prizes. Everything is defined, even how to find out if you are among the winners.

If your ticket will be drawn, the winner will receive an informal communication via sms or email and then a formal one via PEC or registered AR in which to choose the method of payment. If within 90 days there is no response, the prize cannot be collected. The initiative launched by the government to combat tax evasion with the Italy Cashless Plan wants to encourage consumers to ask for receipts and encourage them to make electronic payments. A plan implemented also through other measures such as the Christmas cachback, the Cashback 2021 and the Super Cashback that allow to get refunds by choosing to use electronic payments and the PA IO app (read our guide). The government has launched the new website to promote the various initiatives under the slogan: "Earn, win and change the country".

How to know if you won the Lottery of receipts

The Customs and Monopolies Agency that hosts the portal of the Lottery of receipts where to register to get the Lottery code also has the task of informing the winners. The first communication will take place immediately upon ticket extraction via sms, email or instant messaging. After the informal communication via sms, the winner will be informed in two ways: via registered mail AR or via email on the certified electronic mail address (PEC) communicated during registration.

In the case of the registered letter, the winner will have 90 days to go to the Office of the Monopolies territorially competent on the basis of their tax domicile for identification and indication of the method of payment, choosing between bank transfer or non-transferable cashier's check, in the case where there is no current account.

In the case of the PEC, the winner will always have 90 days to respond to the communication indicating the method of payment of the winnings. In addition, you will be able to find out if you are among the winners by accessing through the public digital identity system (SPID), Carta nazionale dei servizi (CNS), Fisconline or Entratel portals. The most important thing to know is that the prizes will no longer be claimed if you do not respond to the PEC or registered mail within 90 days.

Lottery of receipts: extractions and prizes

The lottery has two types of extractions that are weekly, monthly and annually. In the ordinary draws, reserved for those who pay only in cash, only the consumer wins the prize. In the zerocounting draws, reserved for those who pay with electronic payment instruments, the winner is both the consumer and the merchant who issues the receipt.

Those who pay with electronic cards then will have double opportunity to win, participating in both ordinary and zerocounting with a single ticket. Inoltre, con uno stesso scontrino si potrà partecipare a una estrazione settimanale, a una mensile e a una annuale.

Le estrazioni a partire dal 2021 saranno effettuate con cadenza settimanale, mensile e annuale. I premi in palio per le estrazioni ordinarie, riservate ai soli consumatori, sono:

  • sette premi da 5.000 euro ciascuno per le estrazioni settimanali
  • tre premi da 30.000 euro ciascuno per le estrazioni mensili
  • un premio da 1 milione di euro per l’estrazione annuale

Le estrazioni zerocontanti invece premiano sia i consumatori che gli esercenti e questi sono i premi in palio:

  • 15 premi da 25.000 euro per i consumatori e da 5.000 euro per gli esercenti ciascuno a settimana
  • 10 premi da 100.000 euro per i consumatori e da 20.000 euro per gli esercenti ciascuno al mese
  • un premio di 5.000.000 di euro per il consumatore e un premio di 1.000.000 di euro per l’esercente ogni anno.