How to limit your kids’ access to Wi-Fi with Google Parents

Google has updated its app, available on iOS and Android devices, to allow parents to choose their kids' connection time

The Internet can be a great resource but also a big threat to little ones. It can help their education but at the same time put them in front of topics that are too mature for their young age. Luckily, with the Google Wi-Fi update, parents will now be able to control their children's connection.

In the last few days Google has updated its service for managing the home connection, called Google Wi-Fi. To activate the new features, all you have to do is update the app on your device, be it iOS or Android. Or download it if we have not already done so. With this system we'll create a list of devices that will be recognized within the home network and we can then schedule the connection and the hourly limits, only on some devices or on the whole network. This will make it easier for parents to manage the time their children spend on the Internet.

How Google Parents works

To create a schedule we have to open the application and go to Settings. At this point we enter the Family Wi-Fi section. Then we select the heading Schedules. In this way through the calendar we can manage the home connections on the various devices. For example, we can set the connection on our child's smartphone to disappear at 8pm every evening from Monday to Friday, while on weekends he can use the Internet until 10pm. Managing these schedules is quick and easy, and it will prevent our son from spending too much time on his smartphone before going to bed or while doing his schoolwork.