How to log into Google Drive

In this article we will provide you with a guide on how to log into Google Drive (Google's Storage service), how to use it and how to share files.

Are you in Google Drive to log in but don't know how? Read the complete guide on how to access it quickly and easily.

Google Drive: access to Google's storage service

On Google Drive access is very simple, once you register then login to Google. But what is Google Drive really for? Basically, this Google storage service makes the use of a hard drive or computer memory unnecessary for those who do work that involves the creation of simple Office documents. Drive is a Google add-on service, so it's available to anyone with a Gmail email account. You can store up to 15GB of files for free in the cloud suite and upgrade storage space with Google One starting at €1.99 per month for 100GB up to €9.99 per month for 1TB. Then there are also more expensive solutions for those with very high space requirements.

What makes Google Drive so useful and used? The ability to upload files to the cloud that are then accessible online from any computer or mobile device (all you need is an internet connection) and the ability to share files and folders with other Google users in just a few clicks, to work as a team on the same document. In fact, Drive also has an app for Android and iOS, which is very easy to use and gives you access to all the files on your account.

How to access Google Drive

To get into Google Drive you must first login to your Gmail account. You can go to any Google Chrome page and click on Sign In at the top right corner. A quel punto devi inserire le credenziali del tuo account Gmail (bastano le parole prima di quindi la password). Una volta inserite, devi cliccare sul simbolo del quadrato composto da 9 pallini quindi su Drive.

Se non hai una casella Gmail, puoi crearne una in pochissima passaggi: la registrazione a Google Drive è automatica e compresa con la creazione della nuova casella. Sempre da Accedi, devi cliccare sulla voce “Altre opzioni" quindi “Crea un account". A questo punto comincia la registrazione mediante un form di compilazione dati.
Se gestisci più di un account Google e per ciascuno di essi hai uno spazio dedicato (come il caso di una casella personale e una per il lavoro), puoi evitare di fare il logout tutte le volte che devi cambiare e aggiungere l’account. Basta cliccare in alto a destra sul cerchio del tuo account (con la foto, se l’hai impostata) e cliccare su "Aggiungi un altro account". In questo modo potrai cambiare account in qualsiasi momento (a meno che non venga cambiata la password da altri dispositivi).

Come si usa Google Drive

Una volta entrato in Google Drive, usarlo è davvero molto semplice. L’interfaccia si divide in un pannello centrale con le cartelle e i file, uno a destra con il dettaglio e le attività di ogni singola cartella e un menù sulla sinistra formato da:

  • Il mio Drive, tutte le cartelle e i file da te creati o caricati si trovano qui;
  • Condivisi con me, se altre persone hanno creato un documento o caricato un contenuto e hanno condiviso il loro accesso con te, li troverai qui;
  • Recenti, scorciatoia per recuperare in pochi secondi gli ultimi file aperti;
  • Speciali, file da te contrassegnati come speciali;
  • Cestino, file eliminati da Drive.

In Google Drive you can create folders, simply with the right button then "New Folder", otherwise from the menu on the left by clicking on "New". In the same way you can upload a file, a folder or a specific file format. In addition, to upload files or folders with Google Drive you can also use drag and drop, that is, drag a file from your computer to the destination on the open browser window in Drive.

How to share files on Google Drive

One of the added values of Google Drive is the ability to share entire folders and files with other people, provided that they are Google users. This feature basically lets you create virtual work environments, where multiple people can take part in editing a file. However, it is necessary that the creator of the document correctly defines the sharing settings.

Just right-click on the folder or file and choose "Get Shared Link" then "Sharing Settings" and choose what users can do with the shared link (view only or edit as well). It's also possible to insert specific accounts with which to share the link of the folder or document by sending a customized message. Clicking on the "Advanced" button instead will take you to more specific sharing settings.