How to make the SPID in a tobacconist’s and how much it costs

There are several methods to make the SPID and from January 31, 2021 there is one more: make the request online and the recognition from the tobacconist.

The cases in which the SPID is useful, if not necessary, to interface with the Italian Public Administration and there are more and more methods to make the SPID in an easy and fast way. From January 31 of this year, for example, you can make the SPID in tobacconist's.

To be precise in tobacconist's is the recognition phase, during which we must bring a valid identity document so that the tobacconist can confirm our identity. The previous phase, however, is completely online and is managed by Banca 5 and Inforcert while the recognition is only possible in tobacconists with Sisalpay-mooney point. The cost of this option to make the SPID is 7.99 euros and the whole procedure is quite simple to complete. Ecco come ottenere lo SPID in tabaccheria, passo dopo passo, e come ottenere lo SPID di secondo livello.

SPID in tabaccheria: i requisiti

Innanzitutto ribadiamo i requisiti necessari a fare la richiesta dello SPID:

  • Una casella di posta elettronica (anche non PEC)
  • Un telefono cellulare
  • La tessera sanitaria e un documento di identità valido (che andrà anche scansionato o fotografato da entrambe le parti)

SPID in tabaccheria: i passaggi da seguire

Il primo passo per ottenere lo SPID in tabaccheria è quello di registrarsi sul sito di Infocert e selezionare “Richiedi il tuo SPID“, per poi scegliere tra le modalità disponibili “Di persona in un Infocert Point“. A questo punto potremo scegliere di fare lo SPID in tabaccheria al costo di 7,99 euro.

Dopo che l’utente ha fatto questa scelta le credenziali Infocert ottenute in fase di registrazione vengono associate alla richiesta dello SPID. The result will be a code that the user will have to bring to the tobacconist's shop and show together with the document and the health card.

The tobacconist, at this point, will be able to confirm through the document the identity of the user and enable the creation of the SPID. The user doesn't have to do anything else: he will receive the SPID in the email box indicated during registration.

Second level SPID in tobacconists

The second level SPID allows the user to do more things with his digital identity, including payments. To obtain it in the tobacconist's shop, the procedure does not change except for one detail: it must be requested from the Infocert app or from the Banca 5 app.

The rest of the procedure, including the final recognition in the Sisalpay point, is identical to that already described.