How to protect your smartphone with the best Android antivirus

With a market share close to 80%, Android is undoubtedly the most widely used mobile operating system in the world. This success is due to the ease of use, the wide availability of apps and services and the stability of Big G's platform.

A success, however, that exposes cell phones to a few too many risks. In recent years, attacks by hackers and hackers on Google's mobile platform have grown exponentially. Cyber criminals use viruses and malware to get inside mobile devices to steal personal data or add it to a botnet. Per questi motivi vale la pena installare antivirus Android sul proprio dispositivo: sul Google Play Store se ne contano a decine, tanto che può risultare difficile sceglierne uno.

Come difendersi dai virus con Android

Per essere sicuri di non restare infettati è più che raccomandabile scaricare solamente le applicazioni presenti sul Google Play Store. Pur essendo una pratica molto diffusa, scaricare app da store non ufficiali o direttamente dal web può mettere a rischio la sicurezza informatica del proprio dispositivo. Molto spesso, all’interno di queste app solo apparentemente innocue si nascondono virus e malware di ogni genere, grazie alle quali gli hacker possono avere facilmente accesso ai dati presenti nel nostro telefono.


Smartphone Android

Per proteggere lo smartphone Android è dunque necessario scaricare e attivare un antivirus. Just do a quick search on the Play Store to discover literally dozens of them, each with its own features and functionality. And just in case you don't want to put your hands in your wallet, you can download Android antivirus for free and still sleep soundly: these products offer protection and basic functionality for free, while you'll have to pay for advanced features.

If you're not a security expert and you don't know which application to install to defend your device, you can check out the rankings routinely compiled by AV Test, a service that compares the best free antivirus for Android.

Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus.

(Taken from YouTube)

Avast has always been synonymous with security and reliability. After having created one of the most used antivirus for computers, it has thrown itself headlong into the world of smartphones as well. Avast Mobile Security is an application that can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store and offers advanced services, guaranteeing maximum security for your data.

To install the free Android antivirus you need to access the Google Play Store, enter the name of the app in the search function and then press Install. It will take a few minutes to complete the download process and installation of Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus.

Once the installation process is complete you will be able to use all the services provided by the antivirus: the full smartphone scan, which will allow you to find out if your device is infected and, if so, delete (or quarantine) suspicious files; the Wi-Fi network check, to make sure your wireless connection is protected and secure; the Privacy Advisor, to find out which apps collect the most information about users; il blocco delle chiamate per evitare di essere disturbati da call center e amici troppo “invadenti”; protezione web che scansiona e blocca i siti pericolosi durante la navigazione e infine blocco app che offre la possibilità di inserire un codice PIN per l’accesso ad applicazioni come WhatsApp e Facebook Messenger. Oltre all’antivirus Android gratis, la software house offre altri servizi molto utili che si integrano alla perfezione con Mobile Secutiry & Antivirus: Avast Cleanup per rimuovere i file inutili dallo smartphone e Avast Anti-Thieft per localizzare il dispositivo in caso di furto o smarrimento.




Tra gli antivirus gratis Android non si può non nominare Bitdefender, prodotto disponibile anche per personal computer e ritenuto da molti siti specializzati tra i migliori sul mercato. The smartphone version is also carefully designed and allows you to safeguard your personal data and the integrity of your smartphone.

To take advantage of the services provided by Bitdefender you need to download the antivirus from the Google Play Store and wait a few minutes for the installation to complete. Compared to the main competitors, the free version of Bitdefender Antivurs doesn't offer great features: the user will only be able to perform the antimalware scan to check if there are any viruses and infected files inside the smartphone. After finishing the scan, Bitdefender will show what problems have been detected and try to fix them immediately. To have continuous protection, you need to activate (for a fee) the Autopilot feature, which automatically scans all new applications installed on your smartphone. The paid version has an annual cost of around fifteen euros

AhnLab V3 Mobile Security

One of the most interesting novelties on the Android antivirus scene is AhnLab V3 Mobile Security, an application that is not very well known but that in its free version offers very useful features. The app is very lightweight and optimized for older smartphones, so it's ideal for anyone looking for a free antivirus that's easy to use.

Downloading AhnLab V3 Mobile Security is very simple: just go to Google's online store, search for the app and press the Download button. Depending on the speed of your connection, the operation might take a few minutes. Una volta completato il processo si potrà utilizzare finalmente l’applicazione e proteggere il proprio smartphone da virus pericolosi.

Sono molte le funzionalità offerte dalla versione gratuita: in primis la scansione completa dello smartphone per controllare se siano presenti malware o problemi di sorta. La scansione può riguardare anche solamente una parte ben precisa della memoria interna: i file e le cartelle o le applicazioni. Inoltre, l’applicazione dà il meglio di sé quando è chiamata a bloccare le chiamate in entrata di numeri non graditi, l’identificazione di richieste di accessi non necessari da applicazioni particolari e a ritrovare lo smartphone in caso di furto o smarrimento.

AVG Antivirus Free



AVG è un altro antivirus gratis per Android molto apprezzato e utilizzato dagli utenti del sistema operativo del robottino verde. The free version offers several features, suitable for protecting the smartphone from virus and malware attack. The scanning of the device is slightly less efficient than that offered by competitors, but AVG defends itself well thanks to its ease of use.

To download AVG you need to go to the Google Play Store and start downloading the free antivirus: in a few minutes you'll be protected thanks to the services offered by the application. Once you've installed the free antivirus, the first thing you have to do is start scanning to find out the health of your device: if any anomalies are found, the antivirus will automatically attempt to resolve them, safeguarding the integrity of the files and documents inside the memory. In addition to scanning apps and games, each user will be able to enable smartphone localization in case of loss or theft, stop running applications that slow down the system and monitor battery consumption. In addition, AVG Antivirus Free allows users to hide private photos in an encrypted repository, keeping them safe from prying eyes.


(Taken from YouTube)

The free antivirus offered by Eset allows users to shop online with confidence, without any fear of infecting their smartphone with viruses and malware. The application is also available for tablets, offering a complete and secure service. ESET can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store: just press the install button located next to the application name and wait a few minutes. Once the process is finished, the free antivirus will start automatically, so you can protect your cell phone right away.

There are several services offered by ESET. Of course, you can't miss the complete system scan, with the deletion (or quarantine) of suspicious files and applications. Another useful feature is the device localization tool that uses GPS and data connection to track down lost or stolen smartphones and, in extreme cases, remotely block their functionality.

360 Antivirus free

(Source: YouTube)

Amongst the free antivirus for Android, 360 Antivirus has managed to carve out its own space thanks to a reliable service with excellent functionality. Merito anche di un database sempre aggiornato che consente di effettuare scansioni accurate capaci di scovare e “catturare” anche i virus più recenti.

L’applicazione è disponibile gratuitamente sul Google Play Store e può essere installata senza difficoltà di sorta: basterà attivare il download e poi sarà compito del sistema completare il processo. Grazie alle molte funzionalità sarà possibile utilizzare 360 Antivirus free in decine di modalità diverse. Si potrà controllare, ad esempio, quali sono le applicazioni più pesanti che rallentano il sistema ed eventualmente cancellarle. 360 Antivirus free, inoltre, analizza in maniera automatica il consumo della batteria, individuando le app più esose e ottimizzando i processi per garantire una maggior durata della batteria. Non manca, ovviamente, la scansione antivirus che secondo tutte le classifiche di comparazione, è tra le più efficienti disponibili sul mercato. Se si è alla ricerca di un antivirus gratuito, 360 Antivirus è tra i migliori disponibili sul mercato.

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