How to see who blocked you on Instagram

Instagram doesn't warn you when they are blocked by a friend: here are some tricks that allow you to find out

If you can no longer see the pictures or Stories posted by a friend on Instagram, one of the reasons could be that they blocked you. The social app doesn't send notifications to users when they're blocked, and figuring that out isn't so simple or straightforward. There is no feature that explicitly tells you "you've been blocked on Instagram," but we can guess from many little clues scattered across the social network.

The information on a friend's profile allows you to figure out who blocked you on Instagram. An example is of great help. If until a few days ago you could see the images posted by a person and now every time you enter his profile you see the words "No posts yet", most likely he has blocked you. You won't be 100% certain, but there is every indication that he has. There are also other clues that allow you to figure out who has blocked you on Instagram and who, instead, hides their Stories on Instagram.

How to figure out who has blocked you on Instagram

As anticipated above, it is difficult to figure out if a user has blocked you on Instagram. You can only guess it from some clues scattered on the social application. Let's see what they are.

You can't see the profile and the posts

The simplest clue that allows you to see who has blocked you on Instagram is the impossibility of looking at the images they have posted on the social network. In fact, when a user blocks you, you will no longer be able to see the photos they have posted, both the most recent ones and the past ones.

To verify that a friend has blocked you, look for their profile in the search bar and try to access their profile. If instead of images you find the words "No posts yet", then it will mean that he has blocked you on Instagram.

You can't follow a person anymore

Another very significant clue is not being able to follow a person. If when you try to press on the "Follow" button the words "Follow Already" appear for a very few seconds and then the "Follow" button again, there is a very good chance that that user has blocked you on Instagram.

You can't see the follower list

Still have doubts that a user has blocked you on Instagram? Log into his profile and try to view the follower list. If you get the words "Unable to load users", it is very likely that he has blocked you.

How to figure out who hides Instagram Stories

In some cases it may happen that a user has not blocked you on Instagram, but does not allow you to see his Stories. In fact, the social platform offers the possibility to share Instagram Stories with a limited group of users. Doing so is very simple: before posting the Story or immediately after, just press "Hide my story from (username)" and select all the people to whom you don't let see the Instagram Stories.

There are no clues that allow you to figure out who blocked you in the Instagram Stories. If you have any doubt that a friend is hiding Instagram Stories from you, the only way is to create a second profile and check if you can view a Story. If you can, then it will mean that he has blocked you.