How to use Instagram Statistical Data

What are Instagram Insights (Statistical Data), how to view them, what is their function and how to use them to improve your profile.

Instagram is like a garden to be cultivated, starting from scratch, just you, the soil, the sky and a lot of good will. Passion, dedication and commitment are the key words to make the garden bloom and, once the flowers bloom, you must continue to take care of them to give life to your dreams, projects and aspirations. And how satisfying, let's face it, to see this garden sprouting up lushly day after day!

Are you already viewing your Instagram profile in these terms? Well, then it means that you have developed some familiarity with this mythical social. Maybe what you're missing is to understand how to optimize your profile in the best way possible and to learn how to read Instagram's famous insights to understand the performance of your content, what works best, what doesn't and what you can do to improve. In the end, every social content needs its care to grow well, just like a plant!

Instagram Insights: how to access

If you're wondering what Instagram insights are, keep in mind that they are statistical data provided only for business and professional profiles, so, in case you're interested in monitoring the progress of your profile, you'll have to switch from a personal account to a business or creator one. This is free and can be done at any time. To see the insights of Instagram you have to access from the mobile app and go to your profile where you will find the appropriate section Statistical data. Don't worry, it's not a particularly complex analysis to view, since each numerical value of the various statistical data of Instagram, corresponds to a simple indication of its meaning.

Statistical data Instagram: what you need to know

The Instagram Insights have the fundamental function of showing you the performance of your content (posts, stories, IGTV videos), but also the general trends on your followers and your audience. In the screen of your data, you will be able to find in evidence the menu where you can view the statistical data over the last 7 or 30 days, excluding the current day. This is followed by the "Recent Featured Content" where you're notified of your positive upgrades. In the "General Overview" there are some relevant metrics on "Accounts Reached", "Content Interactions", the "Total Number of Followers "following your profile and the estimated revenue over the selected time, in case of activated promotions on Instagram.

When we talk about Accounts Reached, we are referring to the statistical data that highlights the number of unique users who have viewed your posts, stories or IGTV videos at least once on Instagram. If you've included a call-to-action button in your profile, or directions, email address, text and website, you'll be able to look at the number of times they've been clicked on and will be sorted by a ranking that takes into account their coverage. Instagram also provides you here with a ranking of statistical data on your most popular IGTV posts, stories and videos. "Interactions" metrics for this content show a balance of interactions including likes, comments, saves, shares, replies and other actions. Instagram Insights include "Details" on your followers (if you have at least 100), which show the growth of followers, but also the number of those who have stopped following you; the most popular places your followers come from geographically; data on age group, gender, and periods of highest activity on the profile versus days and times.

Instagram insights: how to optimize your profile

Having access to Instagram's statistical data, also allows you to develop a strategy to make your profile more effective with respect to your purpose, from increasing the audience to make your business known as much as possible, to the realization of a real marketing strategy to promote your products, starting from the analysis of buyer personas, taking into account the tastes and appreciations of users. What you are interested in to give visibility to your brand is the "Instagram Coverage", which indicates the number of individual users who view your content. Not to be confused with "Impressions," which is the number of total views of a piece of content.

Interactions show how engaged users and your target community are. You'll find the users who like your posts the most so you can also target based on who puts a like, or a comment, which denotes more engagement. On Instagram stories, to check the number of people who have viewed, responded, touched the stickers, how long they have lingered on the story etc.. All this will help you understand what works more or less on your Instagram and how to meet your audience, maintaining your identity but always remembering that social is interaction.