Iliad, answer the survey and win an iPhone Xs, beware of the scam

In the last few days a message inviting you to answer a survey is targeting Iliad customers. Here's why you shouldn't answer

Scammers never go on vacation, not even in early August. A new wave of phishing messages is targeting Iliad customers and this time the promise is very tempting: a chance to win an iPhone Xs. But let's clarify what's happening in the last few hours and why the scammers have decided to launch this new wave of phishing messages.

To raise the alarm about this new message that is circulating on the Net is the site 4fan. As it always happens in these cases, Iliad is completely unaware of this scam and indeed is herself a victim. As already happened in the past, the goal of the attackers is to steal personal data from users and use them for other scams, or to resell them on the dark web. This time the theme chosen by the scammers is a survey: by answering simple questions you can have a chance to win an iPhone Xs. And the lucky winners will then have to enter their home address to receive the smartphone for free. But as you can understand, it's just a way to get personal information.

Iliad gives away an iPhone Xs, but it's a scam

Just answer a survey created by Iliad to know the habits of customers and win an iPhone Xs. A very tempting proposal, except that it is clearly a scam. Just read the message to understand that it can't be a real thing. It starts with a "Dear customer, congratulations!" and continues with words that try to convince the person to answer the survey questions.

To increase the desire to participate, there is also a fake countdown at the end of the message, after which it will no longer be possible to answer the questions. The goal of the scammers is to get people to complete the survey and then get their personal information, from their name to the address where they can send the supposed iPhone Xs. But in reality, no parcel will ever be sent.

How to protect yourself against phishing messages

Let's be clear about one thing: no operator will raffle off a high-value smartphone just because a user has answered a survey. Inoltre, nel caso in cui l’iniziativa fosse vera, non ne viene data visione tramite un messaggio apparso per caso mentre si visita un sito web, ma ci sarebbe una campagna pubblicitaria ad hoc.

Non è la prima volta che i truffatori utilizzano il nome di aziende importanti per campagna phishing, e non sarà nemmeno l’ultima. L’importante è saper riconoscere che si tratta di un messaggio-truffa e di eliminarlo immediatamente. I nostri consigli, in questi casi, sono sempre gli stessi:

  • eliminare i messaggi phishing;
  • tenere alta l’attenzione;
  • non rispondere a sondaggi di cui non si conosce l’autore;
  • non inserire le proprie credenziali o i propri dati personali.