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Tax deduct laptop: What you need to know

Taxes are quite a complicated and obscure topic. Basically, who makes a tax return, gets something back from the state. The only question is what can be deducted from the tax. The own PC or laptop belongs in most cases to it.

Deduct laptop from tax: The most important facts

Who can prove that the own laptop or PC is used professionally, can deduct the costs for the purchase. This also applies to Internet and telephony, among other things.
  1. If you can prove that the laptop is used for professional purposes, the tax office assumes as a lump sum that the distribution between private use and work on the PC is about 50 percent.
  2. However, if you use the laptop significantly more or even exclusively for work, you must break it down in very small parts exactly.
  3. If the acquisition costs are no more than 952 euros, you can immediately deduct the expenses from tax without detours.
  4. If the expenses are above, the amount is written off over the next three years.

Laptop deduct from tax: Wo werden die Ausgaben eingetragen?

  1. Natürlich müssen Sie die Ausgaben an der richtigen Stelle in der Steuererklärung eintragen.
  2. Nutzen Sie dazu die Anlage N auf der zweiten Seite ab Zeile 41.
  3. Dort können Sie angeben, welche Ausgaben Sie für diesen Zweck hatten und müssen zusätzlich Kaufbelege sowie andere geforderte Nachweise erbringen.

By Rann Kang

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