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Nerd vs. Geek - that's the basic difference

In many cases, the two terms nerd and geek are used in the same context. The terms are used to refer to intelligent people who are interested in science fiction. However, they are two different groups of people. But what is the difference?

Nerd vs. Geek: What the terms mean

When talking about a nerd, the term geek is usually also used. However, the words are often confused or misapplied. Because the two terms describe different groups of people. Thereby, the difference between the two terms can be quickly recognized.
  1. A nerd is usually a person who is interested in various computer topics.
  2. To be called a nerd, however, you must have a lot of time and great interest in technology, games and computers.
  3. This group of people has for ordinary a high intelligence and is socially isolated. At the same time, a nerd is rarely interested in his environment and is very inquisitive in his subject area.
  4. A geek, on the other hand, can also exist outside of computer topics. This group of people is interested in a particular area. Hierzu gehören unter anderem Sport, Kunst, Filme und Autos.
  5. Außerdem tendieren Geeks dazu, sich mit anderen auszutauschen und sich mit Gleichgesinnten in Gruppen zu treffen.
  6. Diese Personengruppe achtet im Gegensatz zum isolierten Nerd eher auf sein Umfeld und verfolgt in den meisten Fällen die aktuellen Trends des Lieblingsthemas.

By Larisa

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