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Temtem: Farming money - how it works

In Temtem you slip into the role of the Tamer and have to try to collect and train as many Temtem as possible. This also requires the possession of enough money. How you can farm the currency Pansuns, we show you here.

How to farm money in Temtem by selling

To be successful in Temtem, you need Pansuns, the currency of the game. The fastest way to get money is to sell items you no longer need. The amount of pansuns you get for the sale depends on the item. While sea salt will bring you around 300 pansuns, a mini crystal will only bring you 20 pansuns. In order to always have enough items for sale, it is recommended to complete the side missions, where there are items as rewards.

Other ways to get money in Temtem

Another way to get money is the organization FreiTem, which you will find in the second area of the game. From FreiTem you will receive rewards in the form of Pansuns when you release Temtems that you have previously caught.
  1. The number of Pansuns you receive varies depending on the level and rarity of the pocket monster.
  2. If you want to know in advance how much the reward will be, visit TemtemStart to view the money payout depending on the level of the Temtem.
  3. Zusätzlich bietet die FreiTem-Organisation jede Woche neue Aufgaben an, für deren Bewältigung Sie zusätzliche Pansuns erhalten.
  4. Statt Geld als Belohnung zu bekommen, kann es sein, dass Sie bestimmte Items für den Abschluss der Aufgaben erhalten. Diese sind wahlweise für die Zucht nutzbar oder lassen sich zu hohen Preisen verkaufen.

By Schreib Allam

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