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Mac: Save photos to external hard drive

On Mac, it is possible to save your photos to an external hard drive. This way, you will manage to back up the photos effectively. Should your system take damage, your data is then safely stored on the external hard drive.

How to save your Mac photos to an external hard drive

Photos are always stored in Photos on the Mac Book. There you can clearly organize and arrange your pictures. You can move your photos to an external hard drive completely.
  1. Close the Photos app on your Mac. From the Doc, you can then launch the Finder.
  2. In the Finder, select the external drive and open a second Finder window.
  3. On the left side of the second Finder, navigate to your photo library. Usually you will find it under "Users" > USERNAME > "Pictures" > "Photo library". Replace "USERNAME" with your name.
  4. You can now copy your library via a right-click and "Duplicate" or drag it directly into the external hard drive.
  5. You can then rename the copied library for the sake of clarity. To do this, click the name of the folder twice slowly in succession. A possible new name would be "Photo library external".
  6. When you now start the photo app in the future, meanwhile hold down the "Alt" key. Dann können Sie anschließend auswählen, auf welche Foto-Mediathek Sie zugreifen möchten. Dort sollte nun der zuvor neu festgelegte Mediatheken-Name angezeigt werden. Insofern Sie die externe Festplatte angeschlossen haben.

By Igal Soledad

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